The record is my maternal grandmother who lived to either 86 or 89, depending on what birth record you use.
I have a kaleidoscope for the blind.
One of only 150 or 250 made (I forget which). The artist (Reinhold Marxhausen) got Alzheimer's in his final years, and is probably dead now. It looks like a metal blob, but the inside is hollow and it has are springs that vibrate and make tones to the slightest touch and heat change. Just shake it and hold it to your ear. It makes different and unique sounds depending on who is holding it, the weather, the air temperature, and so on.
I got it from a kaleidoscope collector, who sold it to me because the small handmade box it came in was damaged in shipping, and it wasn't worth as much without the box. I keep it in a handmade suede bag.
Edit: I made an Imgur post about it:
Not mine, but from a post: First, you’re never going to win a head-on battle with an adversary that’s got you outgunned. That’s not the point of the Resistance. The point is to create friction, make it hard for your adversary to operate, to increase transaction costs.
Second, resistance doesn’t have to be a dramatic act. It can be a small act, like losing a sheet of paper, taking your time processing something, not serving someone in a restaurant. Small acts taken by thousands have big effects.
Third, use your privilege and access if you’ve got it. He and his buddies stole weapons from the Nazis by driving up with a truck to the weapons depot, speaking German, acting like it was a routine pick up, and driving away.
Fourth, part of the third point really, sometimes the best way to do things is right out in the open. Because no one will believe something like what you’re doing would be happening so blatantly. All good Social Engineers know this.
Five, bide your time. But be ready for opportunity when it strikes. Again, your action need not be dramatic. Just a little sand in the gears helps.
Six, and this is a no-brainer, operate in cells to limit damage to the resistance should they take you out. Limit the circulation of info to your cell, avoid writing things down and...
Seven, be very careful with whom you trust. Snitches and compromised individuals are everywhere. My dad was arrested because of a snitch. His friends weren’t so lucky, the Gestapo machine gunned the cabin they were in without bothering to try and arrest them.
Eight, use the skills you have to contribute. Dad was an electrical engineer. When the Nazis imposed the death penalty for owning a radio (the British sent coded messages to the Resistance after BBC shows) he said he became the most popular guy in town.
See, I think one of three scenarios might have happened:
- Luigi didn't do it. He was framed and set up because out of the hundreds of prank tips, this guy looked "close enough."
- Luigi did it, but the evidence was made up to make the case solid and the police look competent. Luigi wasn't stupid, but he's boned anyway.
- Luigi did it, and he really was that stupid.
As a writer, one of the aggravating tropes we have to follow is, "make the story believable," when reality sometimes doesn't align with "a good story." Some criminals are really that stupid, and some armchair theory, based on decades of movies, books, and TV shows, you expect "hey, this is what they SHOULD have done is." And they didn't. It's like when a chessmaster has to watch complete amateurs play chess. "Obvious strategies" are ignored, and basically both players are just not thinking past their last move.
I also wonder what the trade value of gold might have been in that universe? For all we know, it might be an either/or situation. Like "Well, I could have my favorite takeout every Friday for a year, OR the newest smartphone." Both are tempting but for different reasons. Like, "I could buy a lot of turnips, potatoes, and beer with one golden smurf and not have to worry every month if I have enough food, but then they taste REALLY good on their own." Gargamel struck me as someone who didn't have a lot of money, so having been poor myself, I understand this weird conundrum. Also, having a golden smurf to trade might bring unwanted attention from locals would who assume he has LOTS of them, and rob his home looking for them.
Yes. Most of them were east-to-find solutions on the web, or someone else giving me access. "Can you reset my password on Blah?" "Try TempP@ass123." "I'm in, changed password. Thanks."
A few times when I am really acting like a Senior Linux Administrator is figuring out a kludge or back door nobody had thought of. Recently, a client told me that the former admin had left and didn't leave the password to over 300 systems (it turns out he did, the client was clueless, but I didn't know that in the moment). I found every system the admin had access to, and looked for a dev box where he had access but I could take down during production hours. I took it down, booted into init with /bin/bash, changed root password, brought it back up. Then I checked his home directory to see what public keys he had. Based on that, I checked to see if there were any private keys on the bastion systems that matched as a pair (using ssh-keygen -l -f on each pair to see if the signatures matched). They checked which pair had no password. That was pretty quick because I quickly discovered a majority of these cloud systems also had an ec2-user that could escalate to root via private/public key pairs (it is supposed to be removed for security reasons, but wasn't). Within a few hours, I had full access back to all their systems. Without taking down production.
"Another option" meaning what? Drive thru coffee? We do have Dunkin's here, but none of them are drive-through. This may be different the further north you go, however.
Going to Starbucks doesn't mean I have to look down on people. Life's too short for that. I judge people on the complexity of content of character, not "Oh look, a 'basic bitch' with Starbucks and Ugg boots. How droll." Having "no taste" and "too lazy" are classist statements anyway, "no taste" according to what standard? Lazy compared to what? What standard are you adhering to to "be proud of not being a tool?" Anyway, independent of your personal judgement of people just trying to get through their day, they are going to keep doing it and not caring about any of the complexities.
Starbucks is a service. You don't have to like the service. I don't get my legs waxed, but I don't look down on those who do. Same thing. People are more than just their personal choices of our selective judgement. I recognize that Starbucks is popular, even if I don't care for it. My reasons are basically I am cheap, and have to watch my sugar intake, so most of those milkshakes-posing-as-coffee are off limits. But if I am on a Starbucks run with someone, I am not going to patronize them like somehow I am some intellectual balloon rising above the mists of their complacency. Life is too short for that nonsense.
I, too, have shitty wireless. In fact, for my work laptop, that's exactly what I do. So much more reliable. Way too many wireless connections on too many channels close by.
My wife was an insurance adjuster for a major company, and that's EXACTLY how it goes.
So many people on the Internet say "Ugh, Starbucks is shit," like they are proud about it. Truth is, a LOT of people drink at Starbucks. The one near my house had a drive through line so long, they redid part of the shopping center parking lot to accommodate it. It's been renovated twice in ten years. Starbucks sells more than just "coffee that is shit," they sell a service that few can compensate without having to set up something in your own house. Frankl;y, half of the stuff out of there is caffeinated milkshakes of varying consistency. Starbucks is a service that sells coffee, and that convenience is what draw so many people.
The average person doesn't care about unions, good coffee, or any of that. They want to get a nummy candy treat packed with caffeine to drive to work. That's it. It's really just that simple. And until it gives people instant massive diarrhea or some other personally-affecting scandal, they will just keep doing it out of habit. habit is a strong motivator, especially when you're fucking tired and just want to get to work that you hate anyway.
There's also an "acceptable risk" that companies will take. Not sure about food service, but I have been in meetings where 5% of customers fucked over is considered acceptable, with the dollar figures that follow. They probably take into account the total number of lawsuits they get for poisoning people, and the cost of the impact to the bottom line via lawsuits and bad marketing versus actually fixing the issue.
For example, if 10,000 people get food poisoning a year from iced tea, probably only a small percentage of those people will trace it back to McDonald's iced tea WITH tangible proof. It might be easier to pay for those lawsuits than actually fixing the issue. They'll pass some kind of memo out, showing they addressed the issue, and then blame the store management. Nothing really changes.
I had a pool table, a professional tournament style, I couldn't get rid of, even if I paid someone. It was maddening, because people didn't understand that this was a plaster-laid, felted, slate top and the entire thing was 1300lbs. People thought a pool table was light like a dining room table. In order to move it, it had to be de-felted, have the plaster cracked, and the three huge 400+lb slate pieces moved individually, and then the huge wooden frame disassembled. No company would touch it. The place we got it from went out of business, so I had nobody to buy this monster of a table that took up half my rec room.
Luckily, some collector was found by my assistant some 17 years later, and finally, it was professionally removed. I paid $6000 for it, and while I only got $800 for it, I would have PAID to get it removed. So I was pleased to see it go and get my rec room back.