
joined 1 year ago
[–] psoul 8 points 2 months ago (1 children)

I read that as well, I just wish there was a better way to ensure the funds would go to him. We just have the word of whomever setup that fundraising page. I don’t know if I trust it.

[–] psoul 5 points 2 months ago (3 children)

How do we know for sure the money will go to McShooty? I couldn’t find any guarantee on the funding page. I’m worried it’s yet another grift…

[–] psoul 10 points 2 months ago

Ok so what are they going to do about it? Rant on twitter? Wake up call for what? To do what? What’s the message? What’s the call for action?

When you’re in politics all the solutions awfully tend to look like politics as usual it seems.

We know how much will get done in healthcare with the next administration. I’m looking for someone to call for a general strike over this. Some actions that is not just some hope and prayer bill that will never get passed.

[–] psoul 11 points 2 months ago

As someone said on another site: Cuty McShooty

[–] psoul 28 points 2 months ago (1 children)

Boil him, mash him, stick him in a stew

[–] psoul 17 points 3 months ago

What does your little voice have you do? Mine is a movie director and you are ruining the plot…

[–] psoul 3 points 3 months ago (2 children)

Alright everyone, thank you so much for your thoughtful recommendations! To sum it up, here's what I have done:

  • I used let's encrypt's Certbot to get my SSL certs and setup https, auto-renew every 3 months and I setup a reminder to update Certbot every month.
  • I setup a permanent redirect from http to https in Apache
  • I installed a firewall on the Pi, only 80, 443 and [22 from my computer to the RPi] are open. I couldn't find the firewall settings on my router but I assume they exist since I had to forward 80 and 443 there.
  • installed the following plugins: WordFence and WP Fail2Ban
  • changed the user password on the pi to a better longer one

I think I should be all set, shouldn't I?

[–] psoul 1 points 3 months ago

Sweet thanks! Will add that ASAP

[–] psoul 2 points 3 months ago (3 children)

Noted ! I’ll make sure to set https up.

Tbh, I haven’t heard the word firewall since probably 2005… would my router have a firewall built in or is that something I need to add on, let’s say, the RPi ?

[–] psoul 1 points 3 months ago (2 children)

What does WordFence provide that makes it a must have?

[–] psoul 2 points 3 months ago

Wow lots of info. I’ll check all of this out. You have a good point that I don’t need wordpress. Hugo looks interesting, thanks for the advice!

And yes, as said above, I’ll look into the free SSL certs to setup https.

[–] psoul 1 points 3 months ago (1 children)

Your first point is a good point. I guess it’s ok for now if my rough location is accessible. It’s not like my art is worth anything.

Regarding upload speed, yeah I know it could become an issue but since it’s just a portfolio website, I don’t expect more than a dozen visits a month.

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