Wow lots of info. I’ll check all of this out. You have a good point that I don’t need wordpress. Hugo looks interesting, thanks for the advice!
And yes, as said above, I’ll look into the free SSL certs to setup https.
Wow lots of info. I’ll check all of this out. You have a good point that I don’t need wordpress. Hugo looks interesting, thanks for the advice!
And yes, as said above, I’ll look into the free SSL certs to setup https.
Your first point is a good point. I guess it’s ok for now if my rough location is accessible. It’s not like my art is worth anything.
Regarding upload speed, yeah I know it could become an issue but since it’s just a portfolio website, I don’t expect more than a dozen visits a month.
Thanks, I’ll look into it. I didn’t know there were free SSL certs out there
Probably a computer. I still don’t know if I want a laptop or a desktop. Still don’t know if I want to stay with Apple products or try something new. The frameworks laptops look cool but not the best bang for the buck. I also assume the tariff will kill the supply chain of spare parts which makes them attractive in the first place.
Ok any tips on how to manage email addresses to minimize their exposure and spam?
Well I’m there. If one if them joined then they would not be able to sat what I said
Non of my IRL friends are on mastodon. So there’s that.
I call it the cinco de mayo revenge: Laughing Cow cheese (it’s French) melted in a tortilla.
Hell no I’d rather starve
Ok let me introduce you to the barn owl
Girl, step into any sports themed gay bar. We are still dressing like this.
What does WordFence provide that makes it a must have?