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[–] [email protected] 0 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) (1 children)

I understand getting tripped up when others chime in with varying intentions. Also my initial comment should have been clearer and did leave more room to read a pedophilia accusation into it than I intended.

I can see that you argue in good faith and I apologize for some reddit impulses that I haven't unlearned yet.

Personally I don't see the equation of leftism with defending CP in OPs post though.

The way I read it OP groups "meat-eaters" into categories with each being a drastic exaggeration (the "lvl 5 bloodmouth" is a straight up cannibal) so I think none of this can be taken seriously.

One "group" is the The "Leftist" meat eater. I expand the quotes to something like The pseudo-leftist meat eater who is then represented by Vaush. To me this is basically a 1 person group that might as well just be called "Vaush" but calling him The pseudo Leftist is just one more swing at him.

I am definitely both a leftist and not a vegan (someday maybe) and I don't mind the post in fact I found it quite funny (but obviously very few ppl agree). I agree though that slapping the CP stuff under Vaushs pic is unfair to him, as some people will take it seriously, I have to say that humor was also not lost on me though

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) (3 children)

I just don't trust people (like the person above) who [...] casually go "I think they're a pedophile"

Oof, dude you make me feel bad for giving you a good faithed response after your first comment.

For someone who urges to be careful with accusations you are pretty grossly misrepresenting my comment here

non-ironically throw around terms like "radlib"

I don't throw it around like Vaush throws around "red-fascist", "tankie", "antisemite" and every other slur , I use it specifically for someone who draws upon radical aesthetic in the abstract but supports the capitalist, imperialist status-quo in the specific.

You can chose to be offended by that, but Vaush is the definition of a radlib

Honestly I have only ever used it for him. Thinking of it I might use "Vaushite" in the future which has the added benefit of visually representing the fact that his disingenious output is nothing but a thin layer around "shit"

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) (1 children)

I guess I should have made it more clear, that I was only trying to summarize sentiment about Vaush for you to understand the reference, I was not making anything up

To be clear: I do not remember nor care what exactly Vaush argued for in that video people point to as I have no interest in wasting more time with Vaush. Personally I don't believe he would defend pedophilia and just wants to be edgy.

When I said "It is said" I meant it to be understood like "people say that about him" not that it were common knowledge. I apologize if my English was not on point.

I think your accusation towards me making something up isn't fair but I agree with your notion of being careful with the topic in general so I will edit my original comment to reflect that I can't and won't weigh in on the debate on whether he did or did not defend pedophilia.

[–] [email protected] 6 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) (21 children)

Hence the double quotes I suspect.

If you don't know him, that person is a ytuber called Vaush - having only a couple of videos of him he strikes me as one of the most untruthful people on this planet.

He is a radlib who tries to argue on the basis on marx' and lenins work to "vote blue no matter who". I've seen him claim Marx today would've been a Biden staffer for example. He also is unable to see the programmatic imperialism behind neoliberal concepts such as free trade agreements like NAFTA and defends these conceptually. He effectively hordes socialist leaning youths back into supporting the status quo so I wouldn't wonder if one day it is revealed that the FBI secretly funds him

I think he is said to have pleaded for the legalization of consensual sexual relationships with underaged children, hence the reference.

Edit: No idea if he actually defended pedophilia. Personally I wouldn't think that he meant it. I am not an expert on Vaush (luckily) I only mentioned the accusations bc it is what tripped up the commenter.

[–] [email protected] 15 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) (2 children)

Ich glaube der idiomatische weg communities zu teilen ist dieser:

[email protected]

Ich habe gelesen es gäbe clients (das web interface evtl?!) die bei einem https link auf eine fremd-instanz den user nicht "mitnehmen"

Edit: interessanterweise unterstüzt infinity diesen weg nicht, den https link aber schon. Jerboa kommt mit beiden klar

[–] [email protected] 4 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) (1 children)

Its impossible though to get rid of paid actors that mingle to spread ads or agendas and who are indiscernable from normal users.

As soon as the reach is there I assume capital interests will be flocking in

[–] [email protected] 4 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) (1 children)

Richten die sich bei der tagesschau bei ihren artikelbildern eigentlich immer nach dem/der jeweiligen amtsträger*in? Und lassen sie sich die propagandabilder vom Stab vorgeben oder suchen sie selber noch metikulös stundenlang nach einem geeigneten Wahlplakat?

Diese kompromisslose entschlusskraft die da transportiert wird und die klar in dem titel zum ausdruck gebracht wird. Wenn andere zaudern verkündet Maggus kühn seine entscheidung, bis wann er eine entscheidung getroffen haben will.

Samma wen juckt das eigentlich?

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

They DO seem obsessed with hating ML and ridiculing the idea anyone could be CIA


[–] [email protected] 0 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

Call me buddy all you want but it doesn't change the fact that you are not good at making sense

Why are you jumping to conclusions so weirdly?

Case in point that complete second half is you responding to conclusions you've drawn up in your head. Re-read this thread, nowhere is it ever about ML or socialism. You think its accurate to call me ML because...?

This thread is about US propaganda on reddit, which I characterized by posting a fact that is affected by it (with the goal of fabricating consent for military action against another country).

Your mind is closed AF when you equate my mention of that with being a "LEniNisT tyRanT LoVEr"

You are the one dismissing anything which doesn't align with a very narrow ML head-cannon as indicative of being a US intelligence asset

An obviously completly untruthful rendition of my statement. I phrased it carefully so if you'd do me the favor and try harder to understand it.

I would appreciate it if you could refrain from purposefully misrepresenting my statements as you have done in every one of your comments so far

[–] [email protected] 4 points 1 year ago


On reddit I have observed my faith in the intentions of the person on the receiving end waning over the last years bc of that.

I have been surprised at the good faith people reacted to my comments with, I haven't yet gotten to the reddit poison fully out of my system.

[–] [email protected] -1 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

I see these arguments more rooted in contempt, less in reason.

Generally being doubtful of MLs ability to pass the dictatorship phase is valid though (if it refers to the rule of the party not one person)

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