And if you set duckduckgo as your search engine, you just need... to prepend !ais
to the URL.
I am building my wall of Subscribe Pending
s, which I tend to like a butterfly collection.
Here's how I run Firefox, for instance:
function r { for p in $@; do [[ -e $p ]] && echo --ro-bind-try $p $p; done; }
function w { for p in $@; do [[ -e $p ]] && echo --bind-try $p $p; done; }
function ln { echo --symlink $1 $2; }
function wdev { for p in $@; do echo --dev-bind-try $p $p; done; }
--unshare-pid --unshare-uts --unshare-ipc --unshare-cgroup
--proc /proc --dev /dev --tmpfs /dev/shm --mqueue /dev/mqueue
$(wdev /dev/dri /dev/v4l /dev/video*)
$(r /sys/{dev,devices,bus/pci})
--dir /var/tmp --dir /run/lock
$(ln ../run /var/run) $(ln ../run/lock /var/lock)
$(w /tmp/.{X11-unix,ICE-unix})
$(r /usr/lib) $(ln usr/lib /lib64) $(ln lib /usr/lib64)
$(r /usr/share)
$(r /var/{cache/fontconfig,lib/dbus/machine-id})
$(r /etc/{passwd,group,nsswitch.conf,resolv.conf,hosts,gai.conf,*})
$(r /etc/{localtime,lsb-release,machine-id})
$(r /etc/{ca-certificates,ssl})
$(r /etc/{dconf,fonts,gtk-*,host.conf,xdg,mime.types,pulse})
$(w ${XDG_RUNTIME_DIR}/{ICEauthority,dconf,pulse,gvfsd,wayland-*,p11-kit,flatpak-info})
$(w ~/.{mozilla,cache/mozilla})
$(r ~/.cache/{fontconfig,mesa_shader_cache})
$(r ~/.config/{dconf,fontconfig,user-dirs.dirs,gtk-*,mimeapps.list,pulse})
$(r ~/.{fonts,local/share/{themes,icons}})
$(w ~/down /tmp/swap)
exec nice \
systemd-run --quiet --user --scope --slice=firefox.slice \
bwrap --args 9 9< <(printf $'%s\0' $bwopt) \
-- /usr/lib/firefox/firefox $@
Using this for about 5 years. Ran strace
on a session to see what to allow access to. It's got full access to /lib
and too much access to /sys
b/c I'm lazy, but it can not see any executables or most of ~
I'm using something similar whenever I want to precisely isolate a program.
kakvu posluku porati
Do you have any issues with touch? My XZ2-C has weird touch issues that make it hard to use. Where I touch is different from where it registers the touch 1 mm above. Kind of a bummer.
I never noticed that, I can even comfortably play Lemuroid. What I did notice, is that as the phone gets older, it more frequently wakes the display up without activating the input. So I sometimes see the picture but can't interact, until I turn the display off and on again. Seems to be related to physical wear.
Also, no voice over wifi on Verizon. The phone supports it, but not on VZ network.
No idea, not US.
MicroG, is that just the stripped down Gapps package?
Something much better: the only free software reimplementation. You can get it integrated into the ROM. And yes, you can install Google Maps onto that .
Xperia XZ2 Compact (2018) here. Running perfectly with LOS+microG.
But as the phone is starting to fall apart, my desperation is setting in.
Shvati to kao trad IRC netsplit. Glavnina mreže je sa ove strane.
Ja ostajem ovdje.
Reddit mi je strašno dopizdio nakon 16 godina i već dugo, dugo priželjkujem nešto novo. Par subova koji su mi dragi su svi u štrajku. Ako se ikad vrate sigurno ću ih čitati, ali za sve doomscrolling potrebe ostajem tu.
Treba promovirat Lemmy.
We're just talking past each other.
People from the broader "west" look at the Internet, see a global network, and switch to English to maximize the reach.
(Certain) people from the anglosphere see the network is in English, and conclude it must be local to them.
Also this.
I'm arguing in good faith, since this is a new place and I'm (still) trying to foster discussion. Unfortunately, I could not find any published data on the visitors of the early Reddit.
So the best that I can do is offer first-hand account: cca 2006 Reddit was not US-centric. For that matter, almost no community on the Internet was, be it forums or IRC.
If a website is built in your country, isn’t it a safe assumption that the majority of users would be from your country?
This is complete nonsense. Why would it work like that? Are most of the Spotify users Swedish?
It's good data, but we know it's been overrun by Americans.
Early on, the number was even larger.
This is something that we don't know.
Early on, it was about random programming links and stuff that such crowd cared about. Then a bunch of people poured in and confused the language with the locality.
Evo stavim ti ja.