
joined 1 year ago
[–] proycon 1 points 1 year ago

I've been using only sxmo, I may be a bit biased there though because I'm a developer in that project :)

[–] proycon 1 points 1 year ago

It's not too good. If you're using it a lot, don't expect to last a full day. If you don't do much and have it sleep in the meantime, it'll be okay.

[–] proycon 1 points 1 year ago

Yes, I like the whole idea that gave birth to it and the great communities that are building software for it. But having said that, the hardware is fairly weak compared to what most are used to from a smartphone. It also proves quite hard to reliably make use of the modem for basic telephony features. It works.. most of the time ...

[–] proycon 2 points 1 year ago

Done! Please join and post more photos ;)

[–] proycon 1 points 1 year ago

Oh wow! Already three people with kooikerhondjes on lemmy! You're right, we should start a community

[–] proycon 4 points 1 year ago

I'm not much of a distro-hopper. I think I've been on just four distros on my daily-driving desktop & laptop since about 1999:

  • RedHat (around 1999, starting with 6.0)
  • Mandrake (around 2001?)
  • Ubuntu (around 2006)
  • Arch Linux (around 2012 - today), and no intention to hop. In fact, I recently bought a new PC and installed Arch again. On the previous machine, I installed it once and it rolled nicely its entire lifetime.

My personal server has been running Ubuntu LTS for ages, I might have run debian a long time ago, but I'm not sure anymore. Nowadays I run a container setup, and those are running on Alpine Linux.

[–] proycon 6 points 1 year ago

Let's not downvote the poor guy just because we lost him to Apple. The comment is on topic and people are allowed to make different choices/mistakes 😉

[–] proycon 3 points 1 year ago (1 children)

The more kooikerhondjes the better! :)

[–] proycon 1 points 1 year ago (1 children)

Btw, the link in the sidebar is not working, you'll need to add https:// in front

[–] proycon 11 points 1 year ago (4 children)

A pinephone with postmarketOS and sxmo

[–] proycon 2 points 1 year ago

I can definitely see where you're coming from and I have similar experiences. I got fairly fed up with the fact that the modem often doesn't come up again after suspend on the pinephone. And if you disable sleep like I often do, you often find a dead battery. Despite all the great work of so many people, I'd have hoped for some more stability in the ecosystem by now.

I also took up a spare Android phone unfortunately, but I'm really fighting with its interface, I want my sxmo !

(cross-post from Mastodon)

1420 channel @ youtube (
submitted 1 year ago by proycon to c/askarussian

Not a question as such, but this is a popular youtube channel where Russians are asked questions, including sensitive ones about the horrific war going on right now.

I figured it might fit the theme of this channel.


Let's answer this simple question just to get this community started!


This is a niche-solution based on the well-known todo.txt, for the more technically capable user. I mainly just wrote it for myself but maybe others can find use for it too (it's fully open source).

submitted 1 year ago by proycon to c/selfhosted

A simple question to this community, what are you self-hosting? It's probably fun to hear from each-other what services we are running.

Please mention at least the service (e.g. e-mail) and the software (e.g. postfix). Extra bonus points for also mentioning the OS and/or hardware (e.g. Linux Distribution, raspberry pi, etc) you are running on.

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