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[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 week ago (1 children)

I don't think you understand exactly how theses machines work. The machine does not "learn", it does not extract meaning from the tokens it receives. Here is one way to look at it

Suppose you have a sequence of symbols: ¹§ŋ¹§ŋ¹§ŋ¹§ŋ And then were given a fragment of a sequence and asked to guess what you be the most likely symbol to follow it: ¹§ Think you could do it? I'm sure you would have no trouble solving this example. But could you make a machine that could reliably accomplish this task, regardless of the sequence of symbols and regardless of the fragment given? Let's imagine you did manage to create such a marvellous machine.

If given a large sequence of symbols spanning multiple books of length would you say this pattern recognition machine is able to create anything original? No... Because it is simply trying to copy it's original sequence as closely as possible.

Another question: Would this machine ever derive meaning from this symbols? No... How could it?

But what if I told you that these symbols weren't just symbols: Unbeknownst to the machine each one of this symbols actually represents a word. Behold: ChatGPT.

This is basically the general idea behind generative AI as far as I'm aware. Please correct me if I'm wrong. This is obviously oversimplified.

[–] [email protected] 13 points 1 week ago (2 children)

It's funny because I'm pretty sure you haven't lived in a communist country either. So you're arguing that lack of personal experience invalidates all arguments in favour of communism, but your lack of personal experience living in a communist country somehow doesn't invalidate your arguments against communism. Yup, perfectly consistent.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 month ago

Huh, how does the action of one political party dictate what a global movement want?

Do you even know what the terms "Left" and "Right" mean in this context? (No, they are not a synonim of "Democrat" and "Republican" party of this one country)

Also since when was Biden on the left?

[–] [email protected] 63 points 1 month ago

I'm far from an expert, but Vanguard is a kernel-level program. If a kernel-level program crashed, the whole system crashes. So yes, any kernel-level program could do the same thing CrowdStrike did, intentionally or not.

Kernel-level programs can do whatever the hell they want.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 month ago

And who will create the automaton? How do we select people to maintain the automaton that will play the role of government?

That automatic government has to be created by a group of people. How do you plant to select them? The government automaton would also need to be maintained, as it is impossible for the authors of the machine to predict what humanity is going to look like 500 years from now. How do you select those?

The logic of "code is impartial, therefore code should be law" is flawed because code as to be written by someone, and that someone is not impartial.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 months ago

Republics aren't necessarily democratic.

A country is considered a republic when it's government in comprised of representatives of the citizen body. But how should those representatives be selected? The concept of "republic" does not specify how. You could choose them through democratic means; You could elect a president who in turn selects the representatives; or you could have them be chosen based on who is the richest. That would still be a republic.

Democracy comes from the Greek demos, which means people or district, and kratos, which means power. Democracy is when the power is on the people.

Republic simply says the government should be ruled by representatives of the citizen body, Democracy states how those representatives should be selected.

(Please correct me if I'm wrong)

[–] [email protected] 4 points 2 months ago (1 children)

Democracy bad? OK, then I guess you won't mind if Great Britain comes back to their former colonies and enslave everyone.

Have we all developed selective amnesia to the dictatorships that happen in Europe around the time of the second world war? Do you really want to live in those places? Or go back to monarchy?

I'm assuming you are an American... America as pretty much always been a democracy since it's independence. You don't know how life is like outside a democracy. You've never heard of horror stories of those who lived under fascist dictatorships during WWII. My country was one of those... for 41 long, long years... The International and State Defence Police (Policia Internacional de Defesa do Estado, or PIDE for short) had eyes everywhere... Even the most banal things, like owning a lighter, was outlawed - unless you had a license (if you read the article about that lighter license, you will notice that it doesn't just say "lighter", it is worded in such a matter that outlaws anything that could possibly be used to start a fire... You can start a fire with two sticks...). No one was safe. Gatherings where outlawed. Saying anything even remotely against the state would lead to to be captured and tortured for months on end, making death look like an unreachable dream. Worst of all... the PIPE's torture methods were notorious for not leaving any markings on the victims bodies.

This GOP stuff reminds me a LOT of The New State, as it was called. Salazar, the Dictator, was also a conservative determined to bring Portugal back into it's former glory. He hated democracy and felt like the new more progressive ideas were destroying our country, and, of course, he demonized the immigrants...

Portugal is not a small country "Portugal is not a small country"

He had strong (and fake) Christian values, which where present in State propaganda.

"Salazar's Lesson"

"God, Homeland, Family: The Trilogy of National Education"

In the picture above, you can see Salazar's ideal family: The husband comes home from work, the wife an kids all stop what they are doing to greet him back home. The wife was to be an overzealous mother, a devoted wife, a true fairy of the home. A life of endless submission. They were trained to be like that from birth. First submit to their father and brothers, then their husband. The only future she could hope to have was a stable marriage.

I could go on and on on the horrors the the New State. I don't know what kind of world you what to live in but I can assure you that, if you advocate for an end to democracy, you will not be the one in power.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 2 months ago

No... Capitalism is when a handful of individuals own the means of production and have full authority on how they are used.

Communism is more akin to when the workers decide what to do with the means of production they operate.

You got this literally backwards.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 3 months ago

Yeah... The label of "tankie" seems to be used to describe "anyone to the left of me".

It's so widely applied to the point of reaching meaninglessness.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 3 months ago (5 children)

I've seen the label "tankie" be thrown around to describe so many different things to the point that it has lost all meaning to me. I've seen it used to describe fascists, I've seen it used as a way to discredit someone's argument without engaging with it, I've seen it used used to invalidate arguments because they were to the left of the person throwing the label.

The definition presented uses the word "authoritarian" which, in my eyes, falls on a similar category of "used on so many things it lost all meaning". (Example)

Using the words authoritarian and communist simultaneously doesn't really make a whole lot of sense to me: As far as I am aware, a communist society is a stateless society. However, Wikipedia defines "authoritarian" as

"Authoritarianism is a political system characterized by the rejection of democracy and political plurality. It involves the use of strong central power to preserve the political status quo, and reductions in the rule of law, separation of powers, and democratic voting."

Notice the words "strong central power". Isn't that a contradiction of what communism is? Please do correct me if I'm wrong.

I've seen in the comments people saying that de-federation is not an option because of .ml's large communities, but, in my eyes, that doesn't make much sense. .world is a big instance, just recreate the communities from .ml that you don't want to miss out on. Everyone on .world will be forced to use them, since they can't post on the .ml version any more. If .ml is as awful as people make it out to be, everyone will de-federate and move to the .world alternatives.

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