Where the red Fern grows, Maus, Holes, series of unfortunate events, I think Bea Wolf looks good too but I haven't had a chance to read it yet. Edit, Maus and Bea Wolf are both graphic novels so maybe not what you're looking for. But Maus should definitely be required reading, especially now.
i'm taking a meteorology class and can confirm that this is how wind works.
could have seal team sixed his ass
damn you
Hell, I even still remember the Alamo and Wounded Knee.
I haven't even figured out the regular ending yet
Wild planes of extrapolation imply wild rotorcraft of extrapolation
That's against the rules though. I think it's the 13th amendment that says a president who was elected twice can't be selected as VP.
if those are their heroes they aren't "high-IQ"
is this sweet tooth's waifu?
and in hindsight, it turned out to have been much better than going to Vietnam
claymores have that pommel which will make it easier to wield than a baby.