I wish! Lets hope the rumors aren’t true
joined 2 years ago
Switch 2 OLED most likely. Rumors are, switch 2 will arrive with an LCD panel
Cropping skills not better than Byzantine’s ability to defend Constantinople
5th by my count
So pet-enabled routers = routers with built in vpn support?
who even likes adverts?
How often do you lend your drives to your friends? A cheap way to send big files without internet connection was paramount for sharing information.
It gets stale after some time though, unlike rimworld in which each playthrough is a unique story
I think you can say the same for nearly all social platforms in the new age of internet. “influencers” generate “content” for their “followers”
Was going to tell you that she didn’t die in a model 3 but you found out yourself!
Hell yeah! People in 50s and even 20s worked 40 hours per week to feed a family of 4! Now we can do that by working much less than… wait, not even 2 working parents safely feed a family of 4? Even with all the gains in productivity?