Billionaires who own the means of production trying to own the means of communication as well.
When they can't, they'll own the government, and outlaw it.
It's like poetry.
Billionaires who own the means of production trying to own the means of communication as well.
When they can't, they'll own the government, and outlaw it.
It's like poetry.
You own what is on your machine, that you save locally.
Some companies believe they control the internet, but they do not. They control what is on the computers they own, that they save locally. Sometimes that is information that users have shared. That is their choice.
Classic actions of a horrible company doing horrible things.
"It's for the safety of the children"
Steam, Spotify, Discord. Whoops, all Chromium.
There's still the step where Youtube has Spotify level ads. Whatever the visual equivalent of bait-and-switch-fav-song/LISTENTOMYPODCAST/oh-god-are-those-sirens-behind-me
The title refers to him as a soldier, but all I see is a bitch carrying a polka-dot bag being angry that people make their own decisions.
I would challenge you to find a modern automobile manufacturer who doesn't make their logo huge and illuminated. Also, you can no longer remove them, as they're often now build into the body-work or grille .
Dear god. My inner 90's kid wants this as a browser.
If you want to play that way, technically using a 2000lb ton, you'd only need 20-30 Jedi for there to be "Tons"
Selective quoting is basically lying.
The first, dubbed IS-29e, failed due to a propulsion system fuel leak. Intelsat declared the satellite a total loss in April 2019, later attributing it to either a micrometeoroid strike or solar weather activity.
With the context of the quote, I"m curious what the pattern you've identified is.
Dark patterns will eventually force advertisements into anything that reliably catches your attention.
I stopped paying attention to notification icons ages ago, and I haven't missed any important notifications.