
joined 5 years ago
[–] [email protected] 6 points 5 hours ago

Why not? This seems to be aimed at scammers who could be injecting who knows what into the binaries and other third builds that may have grown stale over time. It's obviously not aimed at well maintained forks like LibreWolf.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

China also had a couple of twists. At least parts of the West have general counterparts to these problems.

Some cities had infrastructure built out ahead of demand. Many of the cities did start filling up with people, which is great. However, the infrastructure aged well ahead of when it was used. So some of the infrastructure is coming due for expensive maintenance, often without a solid tax structure to pay for it. Readers of Strong Towns will recognize this general pattern of overbuilding without building a solid foundation, but it just has a Chinese character to it.

Linked to that is a growing debt crisis at the local government level. The most current estimate I could find is 94 trillion yen (US$13 trillion). Many infrastructure investments were made that are projected to never be paid off in their lifespan. Again, Strong Town readers will recognize this general pattern.

Going from pure speculation, I wonder whether they might have been able to avoid some of the problems with aging unused infrastructure by setting aside land and right-of-way. Here in Portland, when they were planning the I-205 freeway, one concession to transit and bike advocates was to set aside a right-of-way for a transit way and a bike path. That particular concession was made around 1975. The bike path was built immediately. The northern end was used to extend the preexisting light rail to the airport on September 10, 2001 (great timing) as part of the Red Line. The southern end became part of the Green Line later.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 2 days ago

My previous job didn't have a ticket tracker for my team. It was my first real job, so I didn't realize how far we were straying from best practices. If I had some more experience, I would have pushed hard for ticket tracking. I was constantly disorganized, and my manager blamed me for not keeping track of everything. He was probably in his 50's, he should have known better.

[–] [email protected] 5 points 2 days ago

Every single person on the planet is aware of climate change

I'm still trying to get my husband's uncle to get off his easy out of "well I guess it's happening, but humans didn't cause it." He, along with a lot of other people, are in an echo chamber. Obviously plopping pigment on monuments isn't going to do shit to convince them, but I don't know what will.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 5 days ago

I loved that one so much! The only flaw really was that the tech tree is incredibly massive. It's feels unnecessarily difficult to learn.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 5 days ago (1 children)

The CCCP? Yeah, English speakers don't usually refer to it by that acronym. It's almost universally referred to as the USSR. I'm reasonably well informed on history and I had to look it up.

This article goes over a history. The difference is so inconsequential in practice that the Party itself can't keep itself straight 100% of the time, with one cited 2016 official translation of a Xi Jinping speech including over 100 references to the "C.C.P."

[–] [email protected] 3 points 6 days ago (1 children)

The battery issue isn't just in devices that go obsolete. It is also in devices like bike lights where the original functionality never changes. And even in devices like a smartphone, phone battery life often drops off far before the useful life ends.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 week ago (1 children)

Sure, but poverty is also generational. The type of poverty that Palestinians have been experiencing won't be shaken off quickly, even under the best of circumstances. I'm just not sure what circumstances Israeli Jews would consent to a single state solution unless they're guaranteed to stay in power. Many Israeli Jews came from majority Muslim countries where antisemitism drove them out. Their descendants are unlikely to forget that in any discussion.

[–] [email protected] 10 points 1 week ago (3 children)

This is so hard to answer because so many of these things you don't miss it until it's gone. I'm going to say physical keyboards. Like, not that physical keyboards will disappear entirely, but I think they will continue to get much, much less common. I think a lot of people will miss the tactile advantage of a good keyboard, though.

One thing I think we're in for a rebound on is how we deal with batteries. Currently, the paradigm for many devices is that manufacturers put a rechargeable battery in and that's it. When the battery wears down or breaks, the device is done too. This can't go on forever. It's creating too much e-waste, expense, and pollution.

I think the deal that customers are getting from streaming services is probably too good to last, in general. It's already starting to degrade, with companies all going to start their own streaming platforms with smaller and smaller catalogs. You have to really plan for what you want to see. The rise of exclusive shows really damaged things. Vertical integration like that hurts competition.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 week ago (3 children)

You have to have very up-to-date information to see this. Muslims in Israel-Palestine have a higher birth rate than Jews and are much younger. This article is from 2022, when Muslims became a majority. The difference is only expected to grow larger.

[–] [email protected] 7 points 1 week ago (5 children)

The Palestinian Authority has no claim to any mandate from the Palestinian people.

Same for Hamas. The last election was held so long ago that the majority of Palestinians were not born yet and the vast majority could not vote. There simply is no remaining democratic mandate.

bi-religious or secular successor state

There are currently more Muslims in the borders of Israel-Palestine, and I doubt they're in a forgiving mood. I think there is a good chance that a unified state would turn into a Muslim state. I don't think it's unfounded to say that the current situation of a large Muslim population that is essentially disenfranchised is entirely to the liking of Israel's leaders.


I'm looking for a vegan sandwich protein recipe that is more of a whole food than the highly processed food that is often found in stores. So far, I'm going to try out lentil patties. I figure I can freeze a batch and stick them in the air fryer as needed. Any other ideas?


The mod team could use one or two more people. I joined a couple of years ago more as a caretaker for the space than someone with a passionate interest in building a community. Now that Lemmy is maturing, it's my hope to be replaced by someone who is willing to spend the time that it takes.


tl;dr: Please crosspost to our sister community [email protected]

This is a followup to the previous post locking the community and redirecting to the more active community at [email protected]. As several of the comments pointed out, beehaw has defederated with at least one popular Lemmy instance, That would warrant keeping this community, the second largest feminism community by subscribers, open so that there is a feminism community on a general purpose instance.

However, we're still concerned with the low traffic here. The responses to the previous announcement post represent about half the comments from the past year. To facilitate growth, both [email protected] and this community are asking our members to crosspost to both communities.

submitted 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

The [email protected] community has long since become the largest Lemmy community. In acknowledgement of that, I have decided in consultation with @[email protected] to lock this community and redirect.

Personally, I am male and only took on the mod post to make sure Lemmy had a feminism community in the early days of Lemmy, so I'm happy to cede the title to a more vibrant community. If someone wishes to attempt to revive the community, please get in contact.

Edit: In response to feedback, see:

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