congrats and good luck!!
“politicians never do anything good” is a myopic viewpoint that is completely understandable in the modern political climate, i think. which is unfortunate, because a political party that learned to harness that energy to actually become known for doing good could probably grow very quickly
i have somehow never seen this before. lmao. the dude cutting his tongue off was amazing
when your entire ideology is based on opposition to what the people you hate are in favor of, well…
isn’t the Deck also just like… better than those devices? like obviously they have more compute power and whatnot but everything i read about the ASUS one was that the extra hardware power meant nothing when everything was bogged down by Windows and other issues
i definitely agree but i try to hedge my bets cuz you never know how ppl will respond to that kind of information in TYOOL 2023
if you wanted to get mildly conspiratorial about it, you could say they phrased it that way to make you feel sympathy/pity for her because they don’t want you to think she did anything wrong
in the post-no man’s sky era, “procgen” kind of has a bit of a bad rap unfortunately. as wary as i am of starfield (i don’t think it will be good), their method of using procgen for the broader world and handcrafting specific zones seems like the way to go
i don’t disagree, it could probably just be its own show
my thought process was essentially: without enormous amounts of crunch (or slave labor) to fill in these spaces, they will wind up with hand crafted-but-empty spaces if they want to launch the game on any reasonable timetable
pretty rough episode imo. season 1 was all over the place but felt fairly consistent. this was some real highs (all the cleonic content) and some real deep lows (everything else)
sooo cute!!