I generally only drink instant for late night decaf, though the premixed Korean instant coffee packets are a treat every hour and then
TBH, I'm totally ok with the trumpies not voting
Yeah exactly. What to do adult might just seem weird and part of an obsession (and likely is) can still be an idea what other kids would go crazy over and be worth a lot!
Also "are you due for a colonoscopy and not have medical coverage", because click that button and you might get one for free!
Cure: "My name is Ya-weh"
Officer: "I don't care, step to the rear of the vehicle"
Cure: "In the name of who?"
Yeah, he said it
That's true, but rezoning applications are a thing
I'm not defending cops at all. There are plenty of incidents of racist or corrupt pieces of shit who are trigger happy. This just isn't one of them.
The cops that put this guy in jail are garbage, ones that engage in the behaviour you described are garbage, this particular cop did none of that. As an adult, I can actually look at a situation and analyse that without being biased over a generalized hatred. You might want to work on that.
YOU seem to have looked at the summary, decided "black man, white cop" and that's all it took to render a decision of guilt without looking at the situation at-hand. Doubt you even watched the video but I doubt it would have affected your decision either way
Also, India is used heavily for actual tech support and call-centers. Many of these places hide amongst them, sometimes in the same buildings as a legit operation which helps mask them.
I'd imagine that a bunch of the people staffing the scam centers are defectors from a legit one, and take their knowledge - and probably customer lists - with them
No you're just a racist idiot who thinks everything boils down to black or white.
Nobody is going to stop and say "I guess I should let this guy choke me to death because he's white"
Get a brain
You're a fucking nutball.
This wasn't even just "hands around the neck", he was actively choking the officer, who first tried the baton to get him off and then finally restored to the gun.
It's not a fucking hit job it was self-preservation in the face of a threat to his life.
If it's a message, maybe that message should be "don't try and guy with a gun to death, especially a cop"
How long did it take you to pull over after you got lit up?
"lifetime" partner :-)