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[-] phiresky 12 points 3 months ago

The ActivityPub protocol lemmy uses is (in my opinion) really bad wrt scalability. For example, if you press one upvote, your instance has to make 3000 HTTP requests (one to every instance that cares).

But on the other hand, I recently rewrote the federation queue. Looking at reddit, it has around 100 actions per second. The new queue should be able to handle that amount of requests, and PostgreSQL can handle it (the incoming side) as well.

The problem right now is more that people running instances don't have infinite money, so even if you could in theory host hundreds of millions of users most instances are limited by having a budget of 10-100$ per month.

[-] phiresky 8 points 3 months ago

So far it doesn't seem like any company actually wants to compete in this space (longer-form somewhat text-focused communities). Even reddit is trying to become more twitter and less reddit.

[-] phiresky 7 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago)

I'm not aware of philosophical disagreements with that feature, I can just think of logical and technical issues. Like how moderation would federate, etc. If all the mods come to an agreement then the mods on one instance could lock their community and link to the other one. If the mods disagree, then moderation is going to be chaos in any case, no?

I think multi-community views would be a great idea.

[-] phiresky 9 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago)

Lemmy is somewhat protected by being an AGPL-licensed project, preventing proprietarization. If there's ever a relicensing effort, ba fearful.

I'm not sure what exactly becoming a organization would entail, but so far I'd say the development part is not really large enough? For me I would start being suspicious when a significant amount of dev power came from compan(ies), but so far no company has shown any interest afaik.

There's already been a few forks, for example lemmynsfw has made some changes on their side, which nutomic is now looking to integrate back into lemmy.

[-] phiresky 10 points 3 months ago

I think flairs would be the same as user-tagging. There's an open proposal for post-tagging and the discussion there was so far to add tagging for one type of thing and then later expand to others (like user tagging).

It's a bit of a complicated feature because it needs decision who can tag whom, and what is the scope (who is it federated two), and how does it transfer / interact with other ActivityPub software.

[-] phiresky 9 points 3 months ago

I don't think it's that large. Text is very small and compressible compared to images. Well it depends on if you mean the actual database storage (uncompressed, with indexes) or a compressed copy of all the posts. You can see the post number in the URL, which on for this post is 11169622. That means there's around 11 million posts total in's database. If you assume each of them takes 0.5kB of storage that would be only ~ 5 GB of posts.

[-] phiresky 10 points 3 months ago

0.19 was a bit of a special case because there was a set of breaking updates that had to be done at some point, and trickle releasing breaking changes isn't really great either. Usually hopefully the breaking changes are rare, so releases can be more frequent.

[-] phiresky 7 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago)

For migration we recently added a feature to export your user data. But "real" migrating accounts is something I put on our "todo" list, though it probably also first needs a proposal to define how it should work exactly (should it still work when the original instance is down?) As soon as we start giving users more control over their private key issues start appearing like not having any infrastructure for key rotation / revocation. Without that it will only work when the original instance still exists.

I'm not sure if by tagging users you mean linking / mentioning them? Or adding tags to them like you can tag posts / users on other platform. For tagging in general there's a pending proposal . So far it focuses on post tagging though to reduce the scope. I think the goal is going to be to start with one kind of tagging and add more kinds of tagging later.

For improving cross-instance linking (both communities, posts, and users) we also have a open milestone. There's a few spitballing issues about it, but no real concrete proposal on how to build it yet.

[-] phiresky 6 points 8 months ago

If that's what this video is about then it's a lie (I'm not going to watch that bait). Svelte did not move away from Typescript. Svelte just moved from TSs custom syntax to TS-in-JSDoc. They are still using the same types and TS compiler to fully enforce type checking their code.

Their reason isn't that TS is bad, just that the IDE experience is bad redirecting you to .d.ts instead of source files for libraries.

[-] phiresky 3 points 10 months ago

it's not really officially supported, but both and are running with this configuration (multiple lemmy-ui and lemmy_server instances, one pg database).

[-] phiresky 4 points 10 months ago

a large part of the queue going unbounded is due to the retry queue and missing checks if the receiving servers are actually available. quick fix is disabling the retry queue which is currently making it not go unbounded on

storing the queue persistently is somewhat of a separate issue since that doesn't much affect whether or not it can be processed in time.

also a ton of the memory use was (and is) due to inefficient sql queries.

[-] phiresky 7 points 11 months ago

In general websockets scale badly because the server has to keep open a connection and a fair amount of state. You also can't really cache websocket messages like you can normal HTTP responses. Not sure which reasons apply to Lemmy though.

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