Yep, sometimes this is happening to me I just open another tab and often the circle spin is irrelevant and the post or whatever has already been created , seems to be a issue with the system.
Yep, that's why I just went ahead and posted , actually really happy the way the thread has gone, on the most part people saying what they want and what they are doing . Clearly there is a learning curve here for many of us and that too gets addressed , way to go us:-)
You are too kind, I am so happy here now, feels just like the old days again
Sub=ed and and will check out soon, thanks
I know but my little brain could not work out a way to highlight the issue any other way
Nice this is the sort of practical help people need , feel like making a post to explain this for a wider audience?
THIS Good point although I am seeing reddit posts in almost all communities (except the two I mod )
Check your profile to see if you mod anything