I could have posed the question better. But, I haven't found one that served my needs yet. Nor do I not know of one that may have interesting features that would make it easier to do things, like maybe adding shields/badges/assets within automatically or being able to create a directory like structure by generating new MD files when wanting to create a comprehensive API doc.
hahahahaha, thank you
Isn’t that the tech tips YouTube guy? What does he have to do with selling 11 windows
I have been mapping out a possible way to do this. Pickling and scattering frames across the network, coupled with a client that stitches and buffers into a video. Whereas the manifest for each frame hash is compiled and stored separately.
I feel such a service is definitely possible. As for consumer/product worthiness I feel the other comments kind of covers the variables as to why you probably haven’t found a strong solution yet to streaming.
I definitely feel it is growing or at least it’s still in active development. I feel a lot of people either haven’t grasped it yet (aside from the NFT craze) or are not fond of the process of deleting content stored onto the network. Also a true real-time experience would require some more research on latency.
I highly doubt that, do you have a source? Then again, Sequoia did invest in FTX...
TikTok and Reels with their influencers too. "If yOu ArE NoT uSiNg THesE 10 AI ToOls, yoUr ....". Granted though, some of them are actually educative. But, the ones with quick transitions, short don't seem very authentic.
Oh wow, that's good to know. I always attributed visual graphics to be way more intensive. Wouldn't think a text generative model to take up that much Vram
Edit: how many parameters did you test with?
probably my biggest inspiration in music
The flow of the writing style felt kinda off, like someone was speaking really fast spewing random trivia and leaving
Updated the comment with an example.
I do not clearly know as well and wanted to just get an understanding of what everyone uses and be aware at least that such software exists if they use something with more advanced features over a natural text editing environment