When it comes to iOS, Here's a cool guide for reverse engineering .ipas
. https://github.com/ivRodriguezCA/RE-iOS-Apps . I would think applying a sort of comparison of the static analysis with a published app against the compiled repos version would be a possible first step
Hi there, I don't mind attempting this/putting my application for being one of the mods. I had my own private instance where I was sharing helpful/interesting findings/tips around SwiftUI. Closed down the instance, but being able to simply do the same here and/or facilitate the opportunity for others to do the same and foster discussion would be a cool experiment to try.
how is that possible, clouds are even harder to dodge
Instead of complaining about the public educational system. How to improve on existing methods to spread ideas of curiosity and learning methods/mechanisms through FOSS means.
i just want to see a bunch of random visualizers and shaders, generative art gifs blasted in my face like the old /r/woahdude
which one are you in? I am in society 2.0.1B
everything is an age thing, the older you are
Actually am looking at this exact thing. Compiling them into an open source package to use on Swift. Just finished nsfw. But everything you mentioned should be in a “ModerationKit” as well. Allowing users to toggle based on their needs.
Yeah. Have been thinking of this exact scenario. How to create solutions around anything that might “filter” while respecting the worldviews of all. I feel the best approach so far, is if filters are to be implemented. It should never be a 1 all be all and should always be “a toggle”. Ultimately respecting the user’s freedom of choice while providing the best quality equipment to utilize effectively when needed
From your experience have you felt these people had researched their reasonings for the rewrites extensively prior. Or did they discover these improvements along the way sort of, simply an off shoot of simply being a hobby when wanting to build their tooling to define existing flows/actions
I've been attempting to build systems to make this "robustness" redundant across all my works, but I always feel there's something more that I missed. I can't tell if this task is simply never-ending or I just lack the knowledge of covering all the dots from the get-go or both.