This is like when Johnny Sack had to unexpectedly return home to retrieve his sweater he forgot only to find Ginny Sack gorging herself on her hidden stash of snacks and candy while she was supposed to be on a diet.
If I have seen further it is by standing on the shoulders of giant retards.
The convergence of “man, some wild ass shit is happening to me I’m noticing” and “check your damn CO levels bro” posts continues.
I’ll take about 500,000 Roberts.
I’m much more toxic than Scott Pilgrim.
Prostitution is not the only way pussy is sold. Cash is not the only currency.
My friend, you can philosophy and praxis and rationalize and cry all you like. The simple fact of the matter is pussy has inherent value. Good pussy and hotter chicks have greater value.
You are more than welcome to try to government-enforce equitable distribution of the pussy, but you should go into that endeavor well prepared to hear plenty of “eww” and “good luck with that” and “lol no”.
The free trade of pussy on an open market allows for ladies to self-determine their own worth and get the maximum returns for the commodities they possess. I’m sorry you won’t get your party assigned big tiddy goth GF like you wanted, but maybe if you work hard, earn money, and provide value of your own you might still get one. Good luck with that. 😉
Reddit also gave me aids.
Someone will probably enjoy this, but I bailed like 4 panels in and there were literally hundreds more panels to read.