
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 4 points 2 weeks ago (3 children)

Maybe woodworking? It can get dusty and you need some room but you can also make smaller things that don't need big power tools or a lot of room. Like miniature things.

Or computer programming. Create an app. Or do something fun like follow one of the coding challenges from the YouTube channel The Coding Train

[–] [email protected] 5 points 2 months ago (3 children)

Schreeuw Jezus (screaming/shouting Jesus) in Eindhoven, The Nederlands. Some guy shouting about Bible stuff and Jesus.

[–] [email protected] 86 points 2 months ago (17 children)

I have this vpn because it comes for free with my Google Drive subscription. I have never used it because it does not do what I expect it to do

  • privacy, it's Google.
  • pretend to be in a different country is not available
[–] [email protected] 3 points 3 months ago

"I can't get any joy from the work anymore. I used to get joy from it. Don't get me wrong, the colleagues are nice and all"

Probably most of your colleagues will agree with you and nobody gets offended.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 3 months ago

What I do is two things

  • Go to the All view and block each community that has memes.
  • subscribe to commutes that you like.

This ways, all your views are meme-free.

Bonus tip for finding new commuties: create a new account and go to your All view. Every post you see, check if you like the community. If you like it, subscribe to it on your normal account and then block it on your new account. The new account works kind of like check off system. Each community that you made a decision on (subscribe or don't care) will no longer be visible on the new account. This way, other communities that are smaller will also be revealed.

[–] [email protected] 11 points 3 months ago

I think it is because a dog has been seen as an object or tool for a long time. We are the owner. We buy the one that we like the most.

With humans we don't have ownership over another human. The human is owned by itself. So we let everyone decide for themselves who the want to breed with. One person will select a partner that is nice, some like a "bad boy", some like dark hair, blond, tall short, etc.

Also, humans are really not that different from each other while dogs can look like a completely different species.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 4 months ago (3 children)

What happens if you download something. Does it also upload while downloading?

Is it possible to download the torrent that you seed from outside your network by yourself? Mobile network, a friend or family wifi. To be sure that it does not download it all from someone else, create a torrent from a random file, upload it to a random tracker and download the torrent from outside your network.

[–] [email protected] 189 points 4 months ago (5 children)

It's probably not advertising that they are afraid that you will block but the trackers. They want to know what user is clicking where, how long you are on each page and what you ordered / not ordered.

[–] [email protected] 57 points 5 months ago (3 children)

Same with YouTube ads. Lots of scam's and reporting it always ends in my report getting denied..

[–] [email protected] 4 points 5 months ago

I need to stay awake some time during the night to feed the baby or support my wife doing it. I always fight against the sleep and that is when the pre-sleep dreams are really getting weird. What is happening a lot is that I read something and half way the sentence I fall half asleep and at that point, my mind completes the sentence(s) with the weirdest things.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 6 months ago

Please know that it is ok to be alone on special days. Don't feel sad. It's just another day.

[–] [email protected] 77 points 6 months ago (5 children)

At least it had the decency too stay on it. Could have sit on it for a minute, walk away and then watch you eat it.


Is it just me or are there almost no videos or gifs on Lemmy? When browsing on reddit it used to be gif/short video after gif/short video.. Am I missing something or is the Lemmy crowd not liking that stuff?


When blocking communities, they will not show up in your "all" feed anymore. This makes browsing Lemmy nicer especially now that you might not subscribed to a lot of communities.

In the browser: In you Lemmy instance, click on your username (right upper corner), "Settings" and open the tab "Blocks" and type in the community you would like to block. Here you can also unblock communities

On Jerboa (Android): Open the community you would like to block, click on the 3 dotted menu (right upper corner) and click "Block Community". Note: you can not unblock on Jerboa. Use the browser (Settings -> Blocks) to unblock.

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