Dealing with incompetents and sociopaths working in big corporations and trying to keep sane.
Oh yes, the Swiss have a f-ing Trash Police!! My sister lives there, and I am sorry for her. I hope I never “have to” live there. I am generally happy in Germany, just the social interactions are harder to make. Luckily I found my tribe with Spanish people. But as I said, real community is hard to make here. But I think it is a specific south German issue, they are closed off even for Germans from other parts of the world. Anyway, they are missing out some nice food and good jokes.
Yes, I also live like this now. If feels like a village. I don’t have the small community vibe though. It is not easy to make community in a south German city 😆 And there are always some neighbours that don’t like the wild style garden and prefer that you trim the outside bushes every so often. I wish people would mind their own business and help the neighbours, not make their life miserable just because they have different approaches than them.
Big crowded cities. As a young person I loved the idea of big cities with so much stuff going on. More than 20 years later I was cured of it by living in big cities and I yearn for more solitude and small communities.
I was a teenager back then and I did not think it produced the best music. But I was not mainstream, I hated being like everyone else, as if we were robots. I made a point of going against the stream regarding aesthetics, religion and cultural stuff. I hate uniforms to this day. I don’t get the young these days dressing the same as the others. Is it an education thing? I mean, as a teenager you are looking for yourself, trying stuff to see what you like. Why would you just copy what everyone does?!
Decomposing at old age in some field snd then a tree grows out of me
That you need a partner to be happy and if you are unhappy, a partner would be the one making you happy.
That you need to buy clothes like the celebrities wear to boost your status.
The problem is when too many things spark joy 🤣
At some point I was doing the job of 4 people and teaching a new one, due to several maternity leaves. My boss calls me in a meeting room snd starts telling me how she appreciates my effort and she wanted to give me a one time bonus. She was very proud of herself for that. The bonus was a one time payment that would be enough just to buy a large pizza! And she insisted I hide the content of the information paper so that the colleagues don’t see it. I soon searched for another position in another team, seeing how much she appreciated me. I would have been less offended if she would just acknowledge my work and don’t insult me with that bonus.
Thanks for translating