
joined 1 year ago
[–] ozymandias117 1 points 1 week ago

For the Steam Folders, you can use Flatseal to declare other folders any Flatpak you install is allowed to access

[–] ozymandias117 13 points 1 week ago

Google is certainly planning on it being viable.

They’ve been merging RISC-V support in Android and have documented the minimum extensions over the base ISA that must be implemented for Android certification

[–] ozymandias117 35 points 1 week ago (9 children)

Yeah, that’s bizarre. I’d never have guessed /home was created by tmpfiles

[–] ozymandias117 1 points 1 week ago

Starting with the iPhone 14, they put the last generation processor in the non-pro and the current generation processor in the pro

The weird thing here is that the 15 non-pro (the new processor from the 14 gen - A16) has a faster NPU than the M1 processor that does support the AI feature

The only possible technical reason is because they put such an anemic amount of RAM in their phones. Otherwise it’s entirely an artificial limitation

Running top of the line models does require a lot of RAM, so it’s not an entirely ridiculous theory.

The one I run on my desktop needs at least 12 gigs of VRAM

[–] ozymandias117 14 points 1 week ago (1 children)

There are reasonably frequent rebuilds of basically all packages as new versions of the compiler, gcc, come in

[–] ozymandias117 1 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

Thanks! That sounds like exactly what I’d want to run mpd. I’ll check it out

For virtualization, I’m all good since I went with uBlue instead of Silverblue for now - the developer images come with lxc/lxd/qemu/libvirt :)

[–] ozymandias117 8 points 2 weeks ago

To expand - DirectX is a proprietary Windows solution. Any time you pick it on Linux, it will run through a translation layer

OpenGL/Vulkan are cross-platform

OpenGL is to DirectX 11 as Vulkan is to DirectX 12

Microsoft kept the same branding, but also followed in Vulkans/Metals footsteps of using lower level calls to the hardware. This makes the graphics drivers simpler, and can be way more performant because the CPU doesn’t have to do as much

[–] ozymandias117 3 points 2 weeks ago (3 children)

Hey! Thanks!

I’ve installed Aurora to my new drive based off the comments here so far, and it’s been pretty smooth bringing my configs over :)

Immutable is new to me, so I’m wondering how you manage host daemons and cli applications, such as mpd for music and password-store for password management

Is the best practice to keep one Fedora distrobox with them?

Also, are there any issues with upgrading a distrobox to a new major release over time?

So far my mindset has been make sure I don’t layer anything, but maybe some things like mpd do make sense to layer?

I also see brew as another option. Perhaps that’s the preferred way for those types of tools? However, it seems like the system upgrade script updates distrobox and not brew?

Sorry for the rambling question - just trying to understand best practices with an immutable distro 😅

[–] ozymandias117 1 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

When I check out the ISO for microOS, it lists microOS Kalpa as “alpha”

Is it ready to be used as a primary install?

[–] ozymandias117 5 points 2 weeks ago (12 children)

The developer image, dx, includes rocm-hip and rocm-opencl:


The packages under “dx” are the main reason I’m considering it over stock Fedora

[–] ozymandias117 1 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago) (1 children)

How does bluefin fit in the dependency chain here - is this just the repository that builds official uBlue images?

Part of my confusion is trying to understand how these projects are related to each other

Edit - oh, I guess bluefin is the Gnome variant


I’m considering trying out an immutable distro after using Tumbleweed for the last 6 years.

The two major options for me seem to be Fedora Kinoite or uBlue Aurora-dx

My understanding is that universal-blue is a downstream of Fedora Atomic

So, the points in favor of Kinoite is sticking closer to upstream, however it seems like I would need to layer quite a few packages. My understanding is that this is discouraged in an rpm-ostree setup, particularly due to update time and possible mismatches with RPMFusion

uBlue Aurora-dx seems to include a lot of the additional support I’d need - ROCm, distrobox, virt-manager, libratbag, media codecs, etc. however I’m unclear how mature the project is and whether it will be updated in a timely manner long term

I’m curious what the community thinks between the two as a viable option

[–] ozymandias117 1 points 2 weeks ago

The RK3588 is pretty nifty, and is the first Mali GPU (610) where ARM themselves have contributed the firmware upstream and have helped with Collabora with Panfrost development

Bleeding edge, still, but kernel 6.10 and Mesa 24.1 have GPU support

HDMI TX and DSI/CSI are still in-progress


I'm not sure if this is an iOS bug or an issue with wefwef, but any time I select a text entry, I don't get a keyboard on an iPhone 13 running iOS 16.5.1 and wefwef 0.10.4.

Is this a known issue?


I tend to lean towards melodic death metal and symphonic metal, so hopefully this fits!

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