
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 13 points 1 year ago

Kids will have to learn about TekWar sooner or later


Seks ganger fikk smertelidende Anja Hagen innføre medisinsk cannabis med dokumentene hun viste tollen på Gardermoen. Den syvende gangen ble medisinene inndratt. Nå er hun dømt for å ha innført narkotika.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 1 year ago

Just the old french spelling for domain. So it refers to the personal property of the local ruler.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 year ago

Fair enough:) I recon a non insignificant amount of dogs would probably be confused about this comic strip too - if asked.

[–] [email protected] 12 points 1 year ago

This one is pretty funny imo.
Unexpected reply paired with making fun of the army.
It wasn’t the fact that he has a pair of feet sticking out of this head that was the problem for the army, it was that they where flat and he couldn’t march on them.
Probably also resonated a little bit more with people in 1988 since many had directly experienced the Vietnam War draft.
Not having to go to Vietnam was a big relief for a lot of people.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 year ago

Yepp, that also works. Always cool when something can be funny in many different ways.

[–] [email protected] 6 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) (5 children)

My take. Most people get uncomfortable when you stare at them eating.
People generally don’t look at other people eating for that reason, but they’ve probably done that to the dog.
You’ve been making the poor dog uncomfortable for years, but it’s mans best friend so its let it go.


Høyre og Venstre foreslår analysestasjon for ulovlige rusmidler i Oslo som et forebyggende tiltak for å redusere overdoser.


The Ukrainian military confirmed on July 29 that it had struck the Chonhor Bridge, connecting Russian-occupied part of Kherson Oblast and the occupied Crimean peninsula in the morning.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 year ago

A couple of times I was going to post something, but noticed you had beaten me to it.

Thank you for the hard work you put in here. It’s super helpful in keeping up with the situation in Ukraine.


Twitter begrenser antall meldinger brukere kan lese i løpet av en dag. – Vi jobber med å ta eierskap og kontroll med plattformen som brukes for informasjon fra politiet, sier politiet.


Just wanted to write down my appreciation for the "Firefox Translations" extension and make people who might find it useful, but missed its announcement, aware of it.

For the people who haven’t heard about Firefox Translations it does local translation from one language to another.
Works on the entire page or just whatever you select.

Not having to offload the task to say google translate or some other company is a great win for privacy and anti-tracking.
It is yet another reason why I’m still on Firefox all these years later.
On any other browser(vast vast majority) this would be online and data mined.

It can’t compete with google translate on number of languages right now, but for a lot of people I’d imagine it’s pretty useful in its current state.
Hopefully additional languages will be added with time.

More information about it here if you want to know more.


So there's this hole in Texas...This is a story about the greatest failure in American physics: The Superconducting Super Collider.


Prigozhin claims forces have crossed Russian border


Prigozhin claims forces have crossed Russian border

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 year ago

Enig. Gjorde mange av de samme betraktningene selv.

Man bør selvfølgelig ta innspill fra legeforeningen, men å la en bransjeorganisasjon legge ned veto er jeg ikke tilhenger av.

Kan jo spekulere i hvordan det hadde blitt hvis flertallet av legeforeningens medlemmer stemte for å inkludere en paragraf som forbød medlemmer å assistere ved eller utføre aborter av etiske hensyn.


Yevgeny Prigozhin claims Vladimir Putin and the country have been deceived by Sergei Shoigu.


Mens folket er splittet i vindkraftspørsmålet, tror ordførere det kan være med på å berge Distrikts-Norge.


Ei ny undersøking viser fleirtal i befolkninga for legalisering av dødshjelp. Leiaren for foreininga Retten til ein verdig død ønskjer no ein ny debatt om dødshjelp.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 year ago

Good job on those. Not easy to break down complex issues in a succinct way. The text and illustrations complements each other very well.

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