I hope that some day you learn how to properly write and punctuate a sentence.
Of course it is, and you are 100% correct in saying I have no compassion or empathy for anyone that refuses to take responsibility for themselves. I never will.
You are talking about an extremely extremely small percentage of addicts. The vast majority do not come from any situation you mentioned. I stand by what I said.
I'm a 53 year old man and have zero empathy for anyone that allows themselves to degrade that far. I don't care about their bullshit stories of a hurt back and started with a prescription...The fact of the matter is every idiot on the planet knows there is no good end to heroin use. I completely disagree with you. Ban Narcan, make the world a better place for the ones that are contributing and trying. Stop throwing money away on the ones that statistically will always be a burden to the rest of society. If that doesn't make sense I'll assume you haven't lived long enough to have perspective on the greater good. Good luck.
If Narcan can save them they may not be homeless yet, but it will happen soon. For the sake of argument let's say 50% are without jobs. The problem is still half way fixed, or twice as good as it is now.
Yeah because everyone knows most junkies pay taxes.... Narcan will never be made free, all that means is someone else, like the actual tax payers, are paying for it. The world would be a better place without Narcan.
If the junkies die they take their 'underlying issues' with them.
There are no good politicians. Not one. Ever.
California is a smoking hit shit show for sure, but this is a great idea.
That's a wordy way of saying common sense.