
joined 2 years ago
[–] ohhmyygott 4 points 2 days ago

Switched to a safety razor recently after years of using Gillette’s… It’s life changing! No more bumps or breaking out. Also it’s cheap!

[–] ohhmyygott 3 points 4 days ago

Hahaha I was hesitant at first, but I know we all want to see that "earthquake" post to confirm lol Same where I was at, just a small 1 second roll

Earthquake post (self.losangeles)
submitted 4 days ago by ohhmyygott to c/losangeles

I miss the old posts in Reddit where people would rush to post if there was an earthquake. Small earthquake!!

[–] ohhmyygott 7 points 1 week ago

I’m amazed Zelensky doesn’t stand up and slap the both of them across their faces holyyyyyyy

[–] ohhmyygott 6 points 1 month ago

Without saying too much, my company implemented innovative “AI” applications to reduce time wasted by certain workflows. I think I don’t have to worry about job security for the next decade…

[–] ohhmyygott -2 points 2 years ago

I feel that using the latch to hold the lever, closes the valve inside just slightly and causes a slower "pump"(just a guess). Side note, if someone else pumps gas on the other side of you at the same time, the gas flow pumps wayy faster, or at least I think it does from how the flow feels and sounds.

[–] ohhmyygott 0 points 2 years ago (1 children)

No worries, I'm new to Lemmy too. You can click the left pointing arrow next to the downvote button on a comment to reply. Awesome! Thank you for the link! I'll use this!

[–] ohhmyygott 2 points 2 years ago

Thank you, I will take a look into it. Also that's pretty shitty of them...

First google search result for Power Delete Suite https://github.com/j0be/PowerDeleteSuite


Tomorrow I'm deleting my 12+ year Reddit account, but before that, I want to delete all my posts and comments. Are there any specific extension recommendations? I tried searching "nuke reddit history" but it's not supported anymore/extension page is gone. There are also new bulk deleting extensions with no ratings that I'm not sure if they're trustworthy.

If there's also an alternative to bulk deleting everything rather than downloading extension, that would work too!

[–] ohhmyygott 2 points 2 years ago

Awesome! It's working for me. Thank you for the workaround. Hope the fix comes!


Firefox Browser Version 114.0.2 64-bit

Visit lemmy.world and under local or all tab, new posts keep appearing at the top of my feed. Sort type does not matter. The posts that get loaded at the top consists of many posts from a specific community. After 10 seconds or so, it loads a new set of posts from a different community.

This causes my computer cpu usage to skyrocket and makes my computer stutter. I also can't view pictures on the feed because they will close when new posts are loaded. Any ideas?

[–] ohhmyygott 3 points 2 years ago

The ending quotes and everyone's new life hit so deep. Last ep coming up :(


Still not the best like the i7 12700k bundle a few days back, but still decent!

Promo Code: SMBCT485

[–] ohhmyygott 2 points 2 years ago

Been using Reddit for over a decade too, it sucks that all this is going down, but f emm. It's unfortunate, but I'm sure the Lemmy community will grow. 2AM Chili and Ice Soap!!

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