The Oakland Communications Service Provider Choice Ordinance passed in October 2021, which makes it illegal for a property owner to deny access to an ISP of the tenant's choice.
Some property managers seem to still be unaware of this, but it's been in effect for over two years. Local ISPs such as Monkeybrains and Sonic will make use of it on your behalf if necessary to provide service.
A similar ordinance was adopted in San Francisco in 2016.
Section 8.66.030 - No Interference by Property Owner
A. No property owner shall interfere with the right of an occupant to obtain communication
services from the communication services provider of the occupant’s choice.
B. A property owner interferes with the occupant’s choice of communication services
provider by, among other things, refusing to allow a communication services provider to
install the facilities and equipment necessary to provide communication services or use
any existing wiring not currently in use by another provider to provide communication
services as required by this ordinance.
Can file a complaint here: