As someone that's spent over a decade working in US healthcare, I can easily say it's exhausting for everyone involved. It's busy work. Especially if you are not providing direct care. Everything else is extractive fluff that makes cost of care more expensive, burdensome, and just dumb. And now with VC companies wading into healthcare everything is becoming even more expensive, even more dumb, and greedy.
By getting rid of private health insurance.
Rot in hell Joe.
There's a shit ton of liberal denial on this. Trump did make it happen. Not because Netenyahu bent the knee to Trump. But because Trump bullied Netenyahu. And had Biden not been a psychopath, he could have picked up the phone and stopped the senseless slaughter of Palestinians on day one.
This is not to say that things are still going to be extremely bleak for Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza but Democrats fumbled the ball on this and ensured themselves a loss.
Fuck Biden for not making this happen right away. There is now evidence in the polling that people stayed home because of Biden enabling this Nazi style extermination.
Lol. Should of done it year one. This is just optics that nobody is buying.
And the costs for their shit products are astronomical.
Not to mention that Tableau is an awful product that will only continue to get worse.
With even MORE AI in it!!! Just all the AI you can squeeze into the thinnest phone with the most mediocre battery life!!! Can't wait.
It's by design. And this is going to get much worse under Trump.
The norovirus is absolutely awful this year. My kid was sick for over 10 days. Definitely wash hands.