I want to minimize Palestinian suffering as much as possible. There is clearly a worse option and no alternative to Trump and Harris. There's only one way to reduce harm. I hate that I have to keep doing this lesser of all evil shit but that's what we're living with right now.
Foreign nation interfere in U.S. elections.
You gotta make up for a lack of innovation but just price gouging customers on absolutely everything. I only have Spotify because of the radio function but otherwise all of these services are absolute dog shit. They don’t offer anything new. They’ve just created a new set of moats for features, songs, videos, television and games. Eventually this system has to collapse because treating customers like employees that have no choice but to stay will lead people to innovate on piracy.
The U.K. government.
I remember seeing reports that Tesla models outside of the cybertruck have tanked. Goes to show which assholes are still clinging to this turd of a brand. Btw I saw that the panels above the door are glued to the body. Lol
Enjoy your shit cars folks.
As opposed to American spy cars, cheap builds, crappy workmanship? Also do you think the US locks countries in debt traps? All of those things are already here in the US. Chinese made cars are selling like crazy because there is a demand not met by US companies. It would seem to me that the correct step is to force the hand of American companies by importing significantly cheaper EV alternatives. China is subsidizing their ev sales to ramp up production and lower costs through increase in volume.
Why don’t you just fund efforts to have ranked choice voting across the country.
If they were serious, they would be building Party infrastructure down ballot. Taking over state houses and local government positions. Doing an every four Year presidential run doesn’t help in the slightest. The most progressive messaging that has actually made some semblance of an impact is Bernie.
Nor do they want to rescue the hostages. It’s all an excuse to carry out death. In Gaza and the West Bank.
Let them fight meme.
All good.