This is how you get new alliances around the world against the US. This could spiral very quickly.
People about to be surprised that the leopards are eating their faces.
Exactly this. Meanwhile food prices are high, homes and rents are unaffordable, and healthcare sucks, and tuition is through the roof. Biden sending billions to fund a genocide while all of this shit was happening at home was the demotivation people needed to stay home.
"Every allegation is a confession" example 1 billion.
I hope it's painful.
All of it.
When will justice be served for Palestinians?
I hear you. I agree that union busting is bad. I support trader joes employees unionizing. I don't want their stores to close and those employees to be out of a job.
Trader Joe’s, aldi, and small private stores from now on. Go fuck yourselves Kroeger.
No. In the non sales world, I've built some really cool solutions for clients.
I work for a consulting company and they're truly going off the deep end pushing consultants to sell this miracle solution. They are now doing weekly product demos and all of them are absolutely useless hype grifts. It's maddening.
JD Vance (and Peter Thiel, David Sacks, Elon Musk) is not a replacement I would welcome in the event of Trump no longer being able to be president.