
joined 2 years ago
[–] oakey66 14 points 7 months ago

This was just an exercise in manufacturing consent. He went on tv. Every part of the speech received raucous applause. The newspapers like the NYT wrote glowing headlines. And causal U.S. observers saw Israel positively; while the rest of the world watched in horror as the US government welcomed the modern day Hitler into the halls of Congress.

[–] oakey66 5 points 7 months ago

They’re just going to steamroll everyone on the genocide and nothing will change. This is fucking horrendous. The only way this changes if the U.S. falls off the sphere of influence to the rest of the world probably aligning with China. This is completely untenable.

[–] oakey66 39 points 7 months ago

As someone who works in tech consulting with lots of private equity owned companies, this shit has to stop. They’re segmenting healthcare in a way that is just destroying quality of care. I’m by no means a proponent of the mass consolidation that was happening post Obamacare but having for profit companies carve out specialty care and over charge insurance companies for the privilege while fucking the patients is not the answer. Healthcare needs to be a non for profit endeavor where schooling is affordable, pay isn’t absurd, and services are subsequently affordable for patients.

[–] oakey66 32 points 7 months ago

Fuck the New York Times for the glowing headline.

[–] oakey66 23 points 7 months ago

Mfer can't even deliver the $25k Tesla. You think he's going to deliver the most powerful AI? Lol. I got some snake oil to sell you.

[–] oakey66 23 points 7 months ago

I’m putting away a sizable nest egg for my daughter in the hopes that she’s going to use it to get out of this god forsaken place when she’s old enough.

[–] oakey66 51 points 7 months ago

You're damn right pornhub pulled out.

[–] oakey66 4 points 7 months ago

Pritzker has been awesome in IL. He would be an amazing president. Probably the most progressive of anyone in that list.

[–] oakey66 152 points 7 months ago (32 children)

Who cares. This isn't about Biden. This is about what's good for the country. JFC. These people have completely lost any semblance of doing things for the public good.

[–] oakey66 2 points 7 months ago

She's Max Boot's wife. Lol!

[–] oakey66 2 points 7 months ago

Caveat. The private companies like nelnet and others are servicing the loans on behalf of the government but the loans are government backed.

[–] oakey66 2 points 7 months ago

I would think tax law could make it completely untenable to own residential properties as rentals and give federal tax breaks to developers that build affordable housing? I’m sure there could also be federal grants to cities for easing zoning restrictions. Not sure how much of this is possible.

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