He figured out conservative view points and undermining the progressive movement was more lucrative.
One can only hope. But I'm not sold yet.
Thank fucking god. Jfc. We passed some horseshit add on by republicans last time. I’m so glad we didn’t fall for it.
Remember when Jimmy Dore went on the majority report and tried to tell people that Trump having the ability to pick supreme court justices is meaningless. And that if Trump got elected, Democrats would coalesce to stop him from passing anything. This is what your delusional post sounds like. Trump would fortify a Justice department in the image of the most extremist yes men that would get rubber-stamped by the supreme Court which has proven itself to completely ignore the letter of the law. https://majorityreportradio.com/2016/09/21/921-the-dumbest-ny-times-column-ever-a-surprise-debate-with-jimmy-dore
Not just legalized bribes. This is a foreign nation influencing American elections. There was a massive amount of outrage when Russia bought some Facebook ads. This is a whole new level of election interference by an agent of a foreign nation.
He still believes it whether to a smaller degree. I listened to his interview with his friend David Sirota (the point at which I stopped listening to his podcast) because they basically said the same thing.
Wake me up when Biden actually does something about it. Til then this is just bullshit media fodder.
He caucuses with the Democrats. He's been the staunchest supporter of Biden and Harris. We don't need to re-litigate 2016 despite the heinous shit they pulled. He is one of the only senate Democrats that supports universal healthcare. Congress has maybe 10-20.
Bernie Sanders.
Everyone is trying to cash in before it all collapses because big tech has just turned into what I dub as hype hopping since they have no good ideas.
They were pushed out by a foreign nation (Israeli) lobby. Let's not forget how this happened.