
joined 3 years ago
[–] [email protected] 4 points 1 year ago (2 children)

I'm not a historian, but from a cursory reading of this article, I think these could be some starting points. (Going to post several comments, since Lemmy isn't letting me post my single long comment, it just keeps loading and loading and doesn't acutally send.)

Notice how for some parts, the only sources are quotes from Bolsheviks themselves, with a lot of talk around them to provide the wrong context, like this pretty amusing one at the start (putting them all inside spoilers because I don't like large paragraphs of reactionary drivel disrupting the flow of my comment):

long quote

Shortly before that communist revolution, in the summer of 1917 Lenin wrote a book, "The State and Revolution", outlining what his dictatorship would be like. Among other considerations, the future despot tugged at the grossest demagoguery and lashed out at parliamentary democracy:

"Deciding once in a certain number of years which members of the ruling class are to oppress and crush the people in Parliament: this is the true essence of bourgeois parliamentarism, not only in the parliamentary constitutional monarchies, but in the most democratic republics."

Or this one; read carefully and you will notice that nowhere does this quote support the article's assertion in the paragraph right above it that the famine was done intentionally.

long quote

One of the most dramatic episodes of Lenin's dictatorship was the Russian famine of 1921 and 1922, which affected some 27 million people and killed between 3 and 5 million, and which was caused, in large part, by the mass requisitions of grain ordered by the Bolsheviks, the so-called Prodrazvyorstka (copied and expanded by the Communists, like other things, from the Razvyorstka, the requisition of tsarist grain in the First World War). The requisitioned grain was often used for export. This extermination through hunger was not accidental or that the Bolshevik dictatorship tried to avoid: it was done intentionally and even sought with it an anti-religious purpose, as Lenin wrote in a letter from Lenin to the Politburo on March 19, 1922:

"Now and only now, when people consume themselves in famine-stricken areas and hundreds, if not thousands, of corpses lie on the roads, we can (and therefore must) pursue the removal of church property with the most energy frenzied and ruthless and do not hesitate to quell the least opposition. (...) We must pursue the elimination of church property by any means necessary to secure a fund of several hundred million gold rubles (do not forget the immense wealth of some monasteries and lauras). (...) All considerations indicate that we will not do it later, because at no other time, apart from desperate hunger, will it give us that state of mind among the general mass of peasants that would guarantee the sympathy of this group, or, at least , would assure us the neutralization of this group in the sense that victory in the fight for the elimination of church property, unquestionably and completely, will be on our side."

And right after that, they quote the black book of communism. Writing its title in French. I wonder whether that's a coincidence, or whether even they know that the black book isn't credible and try to hide that they're citing it. It should be well-known enough that it isn't credible that you don't need to do your own work investigating it and can dismiss it out of hand:

long quote

This use of famines as a method of achieving political objectives had already been advanced by Lenin in 1891, when he refused to collaborate with a campaign to help the hungry in the city of Samara. According to Lenin, hunger has "numerous positive consequences", since "it destroys not only faith in the Tsar, but also in God" (quoted by Stéphane Courtois, Nicolas Werth, Jean-Louis Panné, Andrzej Paczkowski, Karel Bartosek and Jean-Louis Margolin in "Le livre noir du communisme", 1997).

Then there are quotes like this. You could of course try to check whether it is real and what is the context, but without looking that far, it seems like a reasonable course of action to take for a revolution desperately fighting for its survival. The article is framing this as some unique evil as if any other army wouldn't have killed deserters.

long quote

The Red Army suffered 3 million defections in 1919 and 1920. The first year, 500,000 deserters were arrested by the Cheka, and almost 800,000 the second. Thousands of them were killed, and their families were often taken hostage and killed to blackmail deserters. A typical Cheka report stated the following:

"Yaroslavl Province, June 23, 1919. The uprising of deserters on the Petropavlovskaya volost has been quelled. The families of the deserters have been taken hostage. When we started shooting at one person in each family, the Greens started to come out of the woods and surrendered. Thirty-four deserters were shot as an example."

Once you dismiss that part, there is the other half of the article, the one that alleges a lot of atrocities committed by the Bolsheviks.

I used to reverse image search one of the pictures from that article, the one captioned "In the foreground, the body of the telegraph operator Ponomarenko in the Cheka of Kharkiv". Guess what I found? Look here. The pictures are at the bottom of this page, with the captions in the article being a translation of the Russian captions of the pictures in this thing. What is this thing? It seems to be a reprint/digitalization something captioned:



which translates (sorry if I got something wrong, I'm not particularly knowledgeable about military terms, but the general menaing should be there):



So literal white army propaganda. Not exactly the most credible source.

This doesn't mean that there never were any excesses committed by the Cheka. But obviously the white army has an interest in depicting their enemy as extremely violent, excessive, and plain evil.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 1 year ago

Chloe and her Eevee, from Pokémon.

Didn't have the time or motivation to watch or read other fiction in the last couple years. I guess that's why. And also Eevee is very cute.

[–] [email protected] 18 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) (3 children)

[email protected] moderator here (though rather inactive lately). I agree, this is not how the community is supposed to be used. No-one said anything about it for a long time, so I figured everyone else was okay with it and kept it up.

So, how exactly to proceed now? It would be good to message the user and ask them to direct their posts to a more fitting community like [email protected] which they already moderate. Problem is, I don't speak Spanish. Does anyone on here speak Spanish and could write such message?

[–] [email protected] 25 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) (2 children)

Just "authoritarian traits" sounds like a total understatement.

[–] [email protected] 36 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) (1 children)

LMAO at all the liberals from already upset at this meme in the comment section, just an hour after it was posted

Cope and seethe

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 year ago

Any resources on what the concept of youth liberation is and how it might be implemented? This is the first time I've heard of it... (Yes, I know I could look it up, but considering how search engines can be biased or low-quality, I would rather ask someone already familiar with the concept.)

[–] [email protected] 18 points 1 year ago (3 children)

Reject modernity

Embrace tradition

For the non-nerds among us

Bottom logo is X11, an old but still widely-used windowing system for UNIX systems.) This new Twitter logo feels like a total ripoff of that.

[–] [email protected] 21 points 1 year ago (2 children)

Who is this guy? Does he have any actual influence or is he just some idiot on Twitter?

What is "a terrorist state" supposed to be anyway? Doing anything America doesn't approve of is terrorism?

[–] [email protected] 6 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

Here's the thread where some discussion about it is happening:

In short, no real definite information yet. We don't know what exactly this means for the domain and whether we can keep using it. Another .ml instance stopped working, though, that's why there are some concerns.

[–] [email protected] 5 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) (1 children)

I see. I actually think it's good you posted this on here, so that we all are aware that there might be problems/downtime in relation to this and possibly a domain change. I'm sorry if I sounded too annoyed in my previous comment, that was annoyance at some of the Redditor types over there, not annoyance at you.

Does the FMHY owner have any information on what exactly happened? Did they get notified that the registration for their .ml domain got canceled? Any stated reasons? Or it just stopped loading one day and they figured that it's related to that? It would be good to know, for deciding how big of a concern it really is for Lemmy. (Sorry if all this is a stupid question, I'm not sure how exactly domain registration works.)

I'm also kind of confused when this taking back is happening. The FMHY post says "ongoing", while the article makes it seem like it's a thing in the near future. Any actual sources (especially any official statement by the entities involved) would be good. Searching for phrases like "Mali taking back .ml TLD" or "Mali TLD transfer" doesn't find me anything.

Though it does find this weird cluster of recent articles suddenly complaining about people misspelling .mil as .ml:

(spoiler because the image takes up too much vertical space)

[–] [email protected] 16 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) (4 children)

What exactly is meant with "taking back"? Does that mean only entities connected to Mali will be allowed to use .ml TLDs? I looked through the Lemmy thread, the only sources cited for the whole thing was this, which just sounds like fearmongering about Mali being friendly with Russia, and this article about Gabon intending to delete "millions of domains" after getting the .ga back from Freenom, which cites this (archive link because website didn't load for me) official communique, which says it will "put an end to abusive practices", which I assume would be their stated reason for deleting the TLDs, but doesn't say they will outright delete every TLD or disallow foreign registrations of .ga domains.

Automatic translation of the communiqueNew international management of the .ga top-level domain

The National Agency for Digital Infrastructures and Frequencies of the Gabonese Republic (ANINF) informs the general public that from Wednesday, June 07, 2023, it will carry out a technical migration relating to the management of the national extension .ga.

This transition responds in particular to two (02) priority issues:

  • Offer quality services that comply with the reference rules of the registry operator profession;
  • Put an end to abusive practices, through the will and support of the Gabonese State, which have had a negative impact on the image of the country and its influence on the Internet.

This operation will cause disruptions to .ga holders. in Gabon and internationally. Also, the ANINF Registry wishes to reassure its users that all the necessary measures to promote continuity of service have been taken with the assistance of national authorities and international bodies in the sector.

In addition, several weeks ago the Registry began an accreditation campaign with registrars to ensure the switchover operation and management of the .ga zone according to the highest standards of quality of service and security.

However, Registrars likely to have current .ga holders as customers, as well as customers holding a .ga domain name via the Freenom Operator, are reminded that as of June 6, 2023 the international .ga zone will now be managed by ANINF. Also, the Registry invites them to contact its technical services, via the address, in order to avoid any inconvenience after this operation.

Ultimately, ANINF recalls that this strategic decision is part of the continuity of its mission to offer its users quality, reliable and secure services. It also demonstrates its commitment to strengthening Gabon's digital sovereignty and ensuring responsible management of digital resources.

(Which is all about Gabon, a different country. But it can be seen as a precedent.)

My opinion? I don't think there is enough information to warrant taking such a drastic action as changing our domain preemptively. The only actual fact we know is that control of the .ml domain is going to Mali instead of a Dutch company. The linked Lemmy thread honestly reads like a bunch of Redditors stirring up panic. But there is actual reason for concern, since we simply don't know what they'll decide to do with existing registrations, and definitely should make a backup plan, for the case that Mali does decide to not let us have the .ml TLD.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 1 year ago

I found mupdf quite a good PDF reader. Only downside is that it can't display table of contents.


EDIT: Oh neat, it gets converted to MP4, just as I was told. Now all that needs to exist is a good way to make the video larger, since it's too small to see on the thumbnail and too large on fullscreen...

Regra (

I'd like to try Matrix, but I still don't know of a good client. I don't want Electron on my computer, so the official client is out of the question. I tried nheko, but I didn't like it (though I can install it again if it turns out that there is no better option).

So, can anyone here recommend me a Matrix client? Either terminal-based or GUI, both are fine.


The two programs involved are toilet and lolcat.

toilet is a program that takes text as input, and turns it into fancy multi-line letters. It has different "fonts" available for this purpose; all the available fonts are stored in the /usr/share/figlet directory. Here are just some examples:

Actually, toilet also has a built-in option to colour it, but it doesn't look very nice IMO, as the colour changes are too sudden:

lolcat is a program that takes some text, and prints the same text, but rainbow-coloured. Note that you need a terminal with 256-colour support (rather than just 16) for the desired effect. It can colour any text in rainbow:

(The wrapping at 80 characters is so that the lines don't get longer than the terminal width. lolcat starts looking weird when they do.

And now, by combining these two, we can get fancy rainbow-coloured text!

Enjoy! :)


I've been thinking about acquiring one of these for a while, because RISC-V sounds quite interesting, but I think I should ask about it here before I spend money on this stuff and the shipping...

First of all, how well does it run Linux? It appears that MangoPi uses their own distro, so I could imagine that a standard one wouldn't run... I don't know about the Sipeed chips. Did anyone here try?

Secondly, which specific model do you have? It's a little hard to get an overview of what's currently available (MangoPi and Sipeed are the only two that I know), I would appreciate a list or just the name of the one you have.

And, in general, what's it like? Does the shipping take long? What are you using it for?

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