
joined 3 years ago
[–] [email protected] 12 points 1 year ago

Meanwhile, in reality:


Israeli occupation forces killed 900 Palestinians. 260 Children 230 Women 4500 Palestinians wounded 22 Families were entirely killed

Israeli occupation forces killed 6 paramedics 15 paramedics injured

Israeli occupation forces killed 8 Journalists 20 Journalists wounded

Source: Palestinian Ministry of Health

10 OCT 2023

But obviously, westerners don't care about those 260 children. Never did.

[–] [email protected] 6 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) (1 children)

Apparently YouTube took it down, I re-uploaded here: You should download it, as the link expires after two days.

(Does this website let you download? ~~If not, I suppose I could try to make a throwaway PeerTube account or whatever. I just thought this would be a quicker option. Perhaps not, if it actually doesn't have a download option.~~)

Edit: I just remembered, yt-dlp claims to support downloading from Streamable. Is a good tool to have in any case, I use it all the time to download videos from places like YouTube and Twitter. Good to have a local back-up of anything one might want to see or listen to again.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 year ago (2 children)

What is a normie in terms of identity, anyway? This is the first time I've seen someone identifying as one.

[–] [email protected] 12 points 1 year ago

It's a bit, we like to joke about Guaido declaring himself leader of everything - this is not the first joke like this I've seen on this site. It's funny because if he declared himself the new leader of Wagner, that'd have as much sense and legitimacy as his declaration that he is "interim president" of Venezuela, which is to say, none at all.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 1 year ago (2 children)

They actually put that guy in jail? Didn't expect that to happen tbh.


I've seen plenty of posts around here lately about how we should explain things patiently to the liberals. But it's hard to be patient when they come into our communities uninvited and start an argument over something that's so obvious to us, over and over again, especially when they're also full of american chauvinism (I recall one guy a while ago who didn't believe the occupation of south Korea was real). It's plain frustrating and not conducive to a meaningful discussion. Besides, can't speak for others, but personally I sometimes want to enjoy fellow communists' posts without having some lib causing a mess in the comment section.

I think isolating them into a particular community (maybe call it something like /c/debatecommunism) could be helpful for the following reasons:

  • We can engage on our own terms. When I feel like debating, I could go there and do it. When not, enjoy the rest of the site without being bothered by them. That'd also make it easier to be patient with them.
  • Have past questions in one place. If someone is genuinely there to ask questions in good faith, they could read a previous thread if the question was already recently asked.
  • Could make a sidebar or a stickied post with links to resources.
  • If some experienced people are willing to moderate such a community, it would have more effective moderation than the current state of moderation falling on whoever happens to be the mods of the community the argument started in, or on the site admins if something is reported. There is a line between debating and just insulting us or being racist towards whoever is liberals' designated enemy right now.

With "isolate", I mean, creating the "debate communism" (or whatever other name we'd choose) community, and a policy of reporting/removing liberal-attempting-to-debate-us comments everywhere else on this instance.

Thoughts? Are there any downsides to this that I have failed to see? Are the obnoxious posters from other instances not a big deal for everyone else and I'm the only one who is bothered?

(I'm sorry if I phrased something badly. I'm really not good at words...)

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

Can't find a confirmation (e.g. a video recording of the performance or at least something crediting them as the performer), but the musical style really resembles the Korean People's Army State Merited Chorus, so I would assume they are the artist.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) (1 children)

Don't know why you're getting downvoted, I'm experiencing the same problem. Also, I tried to subscribe to that community, and instead of "Joined", it just says "Subscription is active", like this:

I wonder if that might be related. Though, I believe that also happened when I tried subscribing to [email protected], but after checking again, I am subscribed to that community now.

EDIT: I guess the most "correct" place to ask would be [email protected], but I understand not wanting to engage with considering how annoying it has gotten after the Reddit invasion.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 year ago

Like, multiple pictures in one post? (I am still rather reluctant to click on a Reddit link, so apologies if I got it wrong, will click on it in that case.) Can you not do that by putting one "main" picture with the "Image" button, and put the other ones in the post body? I'm bad at words, so here are some red circles to show the buttons (desktop Lemmy, it might look different on mobile or in app):

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 year ago (2 children)

Could you directly post the meme here instead of linking R*ddit? Some of us would rather not visit that website, especially since the Teddit frontend is no longer an option due to the API limits.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 year ago (1 children)

(part two)

Finally, the text, where they quote some actual authors. But not the page or even the book this is from, so basically impossible to verify and get some context. For the extreme claims they make, the burden of proof is on the article authors, not on us.

Anyway, let's look at what exactly they even say:

long quote

In April 1919 Lenin signed a decree to create a concentration camp system copied by the Tsarist Katorga, which in 1916 numbered almost 20,000 inmates, according to figures published by Stephen G. Wheatcroft. The new network of concentration camps was named Glávnoie upravlenie ispravítelno-trudovyj lagueréi i koloni (Directorate-General for Labor Camps). It was the birth of the Gulag, the largest Soviet system of repression. The first of those camps had been established in 1918 at Solovki, on the Solovetsky islands of the Black Sea. Again the figures of the communist dictatorship ended up far exceeding those of tsarism in a short time: at the end of 1920 there were already 84 camps with some 50,000 political prisoners. In October 1923 there were already 315 camps with 70,000 prisoners. Those detained there were used in forced labor as slave labor. The prison population had very high death rates, due to the harsh conditions in these brutal detention centers, where prisoners were often starved or killed by their guardians.

After reading through the loaded language, it seems that they are surprised there are a lot of prisoners in the gulag during the civil war, and that the conditions were harsh. That's all they're really saying. Except, I guess, for this sentence:

The prison population had very high death rates, due to the harsh conditions in these brutal detention centers, where prisoners were often starved or killed by their guardians.

I vaguely remember reading that the gulags did not actually have very high death rates. I don't remember the source, unfortunately. It seems to be a rather popular claim, so if you're doing a debunking for yourself, you might want to try to find some reading on it.

The next two claims are ones where I'm not educated enough to know what actually happened. So, you might also want to research these two events.

long quote

The strikes were also bloodied down. On March 16, 1919, Cheka stormed the Putilov factory, where its workers had gone on strike six days earlier, accusing the Bolshevik government of having become a dictatorship: 900 workers were arrested, and 200 executed without trial. Violent repression, imprisonment, hostage-taking and mass murder were the methods most used by the Bolsheviks to quell these strikes, both in the factories and in the fields. On January 29, 1920, in the face of strikes by workers in the Urals region, Lenin sent a telegram to Vladimir Smirnov encouraging the use of mass murder against strikers: "I am surprised that you take the matter so lightly and do not immediately execute a large number of strikers for the crime of sabotage." These methods were even used to quell the protests of workers when they were forced to work on Sunday, as happened in Tula, a malaise that the Bolsheviks simply attributed to a "counter-revolutionary conspiracy forged by Polish spies." It is estimated that hundreds of thousands of rebel workers and peasants were executed between 1918 and 1922.

long quote

In the late 1920s Lenin approved of the mass murder of 50,000 "white" and civilian prisoners in Crimea, shot or by hanging, in one of the largest massacres of the Russian Civil War. The victims of this crime had surrendered, according to Robert Gellately, after the Bolshevik promise that there would be an amnesty for them if they surrendered.

The Dimitry Pospielovsky guy they cite for the alleged brutality against the priests (paragraph below) seems rather questionable as a source.

long quote

With the Bolshevik Revolution of 1917 a systematic religious persecution began which would, throughout the history of the USSR, involve the murder of between 12 and 20 million Christians. In 1914 the Russian Orthodox Church had 55,173 churches, 29,593 chapels, 550 monasteries and 475 convents: the vast majority of them were closed and destroyed by the Communists. Something similar happened with the 5,000 Jewish synagogues and the 25,000 Muslim mosques that were in Russian territory in 1917. Before the Revolution there were also 112,629 priests and deacons and 95,259 monks and nuns of the Orthodox Church. The Communists unleashed brutal persecution against them. According to Yakovlev, some 3,000 priests, religious and nuns were already killed in 1918 alone with methods as brutal as those mentioned above. Many lay people were harassed, tortured, detained and killed. Historian Dimitry V. Pospielovsky reported the Reds' brutality against priests with cases such as the following:

Here's the Russian Wikipedia link for him (English Wikipedia doesn't have much), the guy worked for "Free Russia" and "Radio Svoboda". (Yes, I know Wikipedia is not a credible source, but I doubt they'd lie about the guy's affiliations.) Literal CIA outlets. Can be dismissed out of hand.

The other guy they cite is Alexander Nikolaevich Yakovlev. Here's his Wikipedia. Maybe less unhinged than literal CIA, but still doesn't exactly seem unbiased. Can't dismiss every single thing he wrote out of hand per se, but considering the fact they don't cite book and page so that we could look at the context and the sources, the burden of proof is still on them.

long quote

If the Okhrana had been characterized by its brutal methods, the communist Cheka exceeded in every way the degree of cruelty of its tsarist predecessor. Among its methods of torture and assassination against political dissidents, Orthodox clerics and others considered enemies by the Bolsheviks, it is worth mentioning savages such as the following, documented by the Russian historian Alexander Nikolaevich Yakovlev and by the State Archives of the Russian Federation, among others sources:

I hope any of this is helpful to you. At least that would mean that the hours I just spent on commenting on some worthless Spanish conservative site's drivel (notice that one paragraph where they excuse Franco in this very article) were at least somewhat worth it.


And of course they use it on a three-year-old post by one of the Lemmygrad admins. The post itself is a based picture:


Source for the screenshot:

I know nothing about this, but it came up on my Mastodon timeline and it sounds very concerning. Unless someone took over the Matrix servers or the account, seems to be indeed their official instance... Any opinion from the comrades on here who use Matrix?


47 years ago today, Red Army Faction founding member Ulrike Meinhof was killed in prison. According to authorities, she took her own life, but comrades and supporters have long believed she was murdered. See this interview with her sister on the 40th anniversary of her death, which discusses independent evidence suggesting a prison cover-up.

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