In addition to other suggestions, the cards need to show what they're alternative to without clicking.
ZFS dedup is memory constrained, and the memory use scales with the block hashes.
If performance isn't a concern, you're better off compressing your media. You'll get similar storage efficiency with less crash consistency risk.
The pro/con has more to do with how you want to run your system and manage changes.
Containerization is primarily about repeatability and declarative configuration management. If you want to repeat the same configuration with every deployment and/or upgrade, containers are the way to go.
If you want to tweak and manage the software the way you want it and aren't concerned with configuration drift, then install it as a service.
Check your sector boundaries. You can't resize a physical partition if it overlaps another one. That lvm shrink likely lowered the top sector, rather than raising the bottom.
Also, 488mb should be plenty in /boot. You can purge old kernels with 'sudo apt --purge autoremove' (that'll take any other unused packages with it, so use caution.)
In a 2012 Tumblr post, comedian Donovan Strain used the song's lyrics to determine that the titular "Good Day" likely occurred on January 20, 1992.[10] Strain wrote that this date was "the only day where Yo! MTV Raps was on air, it was a clear and smogless day in Los Angeles, beepers or pagers were commercially sold, Lakers beat the SuperSonics, and Ice Cube had no filming commitments".
Yup, was a Garmin. Part of me has been a little worried cause i can't find my way anywhere without GPS anymore, and Google has been getting shittier every day.
Hell, I remember the first time I used maps on a computer to plan and print a route, and the first time I could do it online with MapQuest.
Those were moments that the Internet really felt like the future.
You don't. That's not what caddy is. Use a bastion for ssh.
Edit: link
lol what a weird take. all the problems of overconsumption and ecosystem collapse aside, theres not much inherently worse about seafood than landfood.
cats arent more picky than us. they gladly eat all kinds of trash and raw dead meat. they're picky about what we feed them. The respective tolerance for "toxins" between us and cats is, again, relative to the environment we put them in and the specific set of toxins.
i've always assumed that whatever meat didnt pass qc for human canned tuna would just become cat food.
wondered why your pet might not like particular foods?
No. It's the same reason that you don't like particular perfectly good foods. They're attuned to different factors, but it's the same process to appeal to them.
i worked at an animal hospital for a few years in my 20s (late 90s). I was also broke af punk kid living in a filthy punk rock house, barely able to afford my part of rent. So i'd bring home the pet food sometimes. It wasn't really inventoried, and it's nutrition. Do not recommend though, its a great way to get a bacterial gut infection since pet food regulations are very minimal.
it ranges. some cat food is indistinguishable from canned tuna. the science diet I/D canine prescription tastes exactly like canned corned beef hash. the cheap stuff (kibbles&bits, fancy feast, etc) tastes exactly like you'd expect: bone meal, corn starch, and ash slag. cause thats the filler trash the cheap stuff is made of.
generally though, most kibble just tastes like if you soaked grape nuts cereal in beef broth, and most wet food tastes about the same as canned horse. which is unpleasant.
Nothing, this app is garbage, use signal.