First, confirm if you can access Cockpit by going to the https://localhost:9090, If not, follow the Fedora instructions here: Having some familiarity with Command Line is essential. Your graphical package manager may or may not include Cockpit.
Cockpit does sometimes allow you to install "plugins" from the web GUI, but in my experience (both on Debian and Arch), it doesn't do it to well. If you can't install plugins for 45 Drives file sharing plugin, you will need to do it manually:
For the 45 Drives plugin to enable sharing: (I believe it's the "Direct from .rpm" section if you scroll down in the Readme)
From there, once you are logged into Cockpit on the left you will see a link for "File Sharing"
This isn't as complex as it may seem as long as you follow their steps you should be golden.
This may fit the bill some? Harmonoid It allows you to use your local media.
If you don't mind internet radio, there's always Radio Garden which allows you to stream any station from almost anywhere in the world.