The service is likely a money sink
urxvt. I like the simplicity and ease of configuration with Xresources. I've been thinking about moving to st since urxvt is unmaintained but I can't get feature parity atm.
Can you go into more detail about exactly what problem you're running into?
Major plothole. Unbravo vince
Huge red flag. Parents are not Keanu Chungus wholesome 100
195 was a sub created by a group of school friends to share memes. Basically a big group chat. The name 195 was choosen because it would've been hard to randomly stumble upon it. 195 was shutdown when it got too big and the friend group didn't want to moderate it. 196 was originally created as a continuation of 195. That's the story I've always heard.
Mind if I join you in your backyard as well?
Reddit has orders of magnitude more content than Lemmy. Reddit also has better SEO. I don't think Google is purposely not showing Lemmy content, we just don't have enough content to show.
Wrong sub. This is supposed to be askreddit
Linking seems a little biased no?