With what people? He fired the workers that oversee our nuclear arms and realized he goofed. Now they can't find all the employees to bring them back.
This is a huge oversight on the school's part. A civil suit is coming for sure.
I'm not advocating for violence but those guillotines are looking mighty tempting.
There's going to be so much to repair and replace when this is over. It's just February and I'm already exhausted.
Rampant election tampering. The closing down of polling centers in neighborhoods that don't fit his profile. The restrictions on mail-in ballots. Armed gravy seals at polling places for intimidation purposes. Interference and propaganda from Russia. He also explicitly stated he did in his speech.
If he stole the election, and he did, then that needs to be drummed into the heads of the ones who actually voted for him. He doesn't care about anyone but himself or anything except whatever he defines as winning.
The joke in my house is that dad is allergic to leftovers. Doesn't matter if it's from eating out or something we've made at the house. He's also a pretty bad cook, so maybe that has something to do with it.
I gave it a 5 star rating and left this as my review.
"Regardless of what a Racist, Fascist, Fear-mongering, Election rigging POS would have you believe; it's the Gulf of Mexico."
When he made fun of a reporter's disability and called POWs losers? Absolutely should have ended right then and there.
You aren't gullible. You just weren't listening.
Nice try troll.