Imagine the terminology if instead of it coming from the study of the Hawaiian volcano system, it came from the Icelandic one.
Then we'd be memorizing words like herliaphongoffjlyur.
Get me out.. all the way... to... to Nag's Head?
"Is Stacey fucking my boyfriend?"
"Alright that's enough, c'mere bitch..." as she lunged at her.
Muh main man!
He's a gas, that Andy.
A hoot and a half, is what he is.
An absolute ledger.
The Archbishop Of Banterbury.
Molin' Rugue
And that goes quadruple for truck drivers, especially those who take stimulant drugs to not sleep and drive more, in an impaired state.
They are a plague of recklessness, like rogue missiles.
Using ballpark figures, let's say one out of every fifty vehicles is a truck, but where I live, trucks are involved in one out of every five accidents.
In Mexico, chapulines are a bit of an exotic delicacy from old Aztec cuisine, there's a place in my town that has them, heated and tossed on a grill with no oil, then served on a corn tortilla with black beans, fresh chopped onions and cilantro, topped with a lime squeeze and green jalapeño salsa.
They are delicious.
Don't forget Pam Anderson's sex tape.
Greasons' Seatings to you too!
Because you don't suffer from the White Savior Industrial Complex and its' war on words.
Won't you please think of the poor rich white people who are certain that everybody is weak and offended by everything?