I’ve played a few games. It’s pretty fun, but requires some knowledge of Pokémon to play optimally.
Also, knowing Nintendo, I’m scared this game won’t last forever.
I’ve played a few games. It’s pretty fun, but requires some knowledge of Pokémon to play optimally.
Also, knowing Nintendo, I’m scared this game won’t last forever.
You have the opportunity to start with the latest season. The show just got soft rebooted, and currently 4 episodes are out of this new “season 1”. Then if you like it I recommend checking out “Nu-Who” which is the 2005 reboot of the series. Usually fans divide the show into eras of who the main actor is instead of seasons, and I see most people loving David Tennant, Matt Smith and Peter Capaldi, and I would definitely recommend you checking them out.
Is Apple not going to allow sideloading in the EU soon?
It used to be that they paired a known word with an unknown word, and if you got the known word right you would pass no matter what you wrote for the unknown one.
I wonder if Elon chose a timeframe of 5 years because Yann LeCun won the Turing Award in 2018.
While pi is irrational, there is no guarantee every conceivable sequence of digits will be in pi. However the library of babel contains all letter sequences under a certain length.
According to The Beatles, nothing is real.
It's definitely real. But in a more honest sense, it's definitely not by The Beatles.
Ja, det er et godt spørgsmål. Jeg ved ikke præcis hvad der indflyver Overton-vinduet, men det kan næsten ligne at EL er blevet afskrækket af Brexit.
Hvis begrundelsen primært er klimapolitik, forstår jeg godt hvorfor Enhedslisten synes det virker smart at have indflydelse på et større geografisk område end Danmark. Og også at kunne lave bæredygtige projekter på en større skala end vi kan alene.
What an insane opening!