
joined 1 year ago

Yep, upgraded to 0.18.3 - need to clean up some things but much improved security

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 year ago (1 children)

Hey one quick question.. the Ansible playbook doesn't look like it's been updated to 0.18.2 or at least the instructions don't state how to pull it. Any chance this could get fixed/clarified in the release notes?

[–] [email protected] 12 points 1 year ago

Yep, already deleted my 14yo Reddit acct and made the switch. Really glad I did :)

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 year ago

Windows 11 for my Surface & Gaming PC. Probably gonna try out SurfaceLinux soon though since the Surface Pro 7 is starting to show its age.

But I have a Dell XPS 13 that's running Ubuntu Jammy now though. I alternate thru all 3 depending on the day.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 year ago (1 children)

Yeah back before most plans did "unlimited" data, many of the deals were for unlimited texts. I remember texts costing about that much at first then we moved my family to an unlimited texting plan and never thought much about it again

[–] [email protected] 7 points 1 year ago

Actually plan things and research. Too many of my decisions come back to bite me because I don't plan out stuff like networking, resources, hard drive layouts..

also documentation for sure

[–] [email protected] 4 points 1 year ago (3 children)

It's very common here in the states actually. Not really by choice though. Around the time many messaging apps were taking off iMessage kinda established itself as "the" way to do stuff like group chats. I hear in the rest of the world apps like Whatsapp are way more common but they're more of a niche thing here overall

Documenting the fact that the instance is now upgraded to 0.18.1.

Release notes here at the link above.



Hi everyone, this is a small but hopefully enjoyable bit of MC from my childhood. Way back when, my Dad worked in IT and worked from home. This is back in the early days of telecommuting and so most of his day was spent on calls in between actual technical stuff. The internet was in its infancy, so if he was working he really was working and not browsing the internet/just goofing off.

So, MC time. One day, 5yo me is walking around the house and wants to tell my Dad a story. I can't remember what it was and it's not important. But to me at the time, oh boy you can believe it was the best fucking thing since sliced bread - I HAD to tell him about it. Except he was on the phone with work with something important. So I did the only logical thing and told him anyway.

Me: "Hey Dad!" babbles about story

Dad: "Hey Bob, hold on one sec?" presses mute

Dad: "Hi bud, sorry but dad's on the phone, can you tell me later?" presses unmute, goes back to work call

Ok, I think, later is fine...

...approximately 5 seconds pass.

Me: "Hey Dad!" continues babbling about story

Dad: "Bob, I'm sorry, hold on one sec?" presses mute

Dad: "Hey little guy, Dad really can't talk right now. I'm on the phone with work. Please tell me in a little bit ok?" presses unmute, apologizes, back to work

...another pause...eternity for me...5s in reality

Me: the babbling commences once more

Dad: mute "Nick unless the house is on fire or you are hurt, don't interrupt me on the phone!" unmute

Now I always listened to my parents as best I could, but his instructions were pretty cut and dry on this one.

Me: smacks hand on forehead "Ow!"

Me: "Okay as I was saying!" babbles about story once more

My Dad lost it at this point and just burst out laughing. He ended up telling Bob he had to go and heard me out on the rest of my story. I was happy, he couldn't stop laughing and a good time was had by all.

That's it! Like I said, tiny bit of MC for ya. I've got a kid on the way so can't imagine the antics she'll get up to :)

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 year ago (1 children)

Gotcha, yeah this is running on a set of boxes that I've been using as my homelab for a few years. Some of those have graduated to homeprod and that's where I'm getting stuck. I want to share Plex and the like with my family who are 2500 miles away.

Definitely would setup tailscale or a VPN between the houses if I was closer. At this distance, maintenance would be a nightmare even though my dad and brothers are very tech savvy.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 year ago (1 children)

How are those tunnels? Saw those in my dashboard last time when I was looking.

I've got Wireguard set up and that's been good and lightweight for me. Also have everything firewalled off onto it's own VLAN with ACLs so my data is locked down. That took forever to implement but loving it so far.

The internet facing stuff is on a completely separate box with read-only access to a pretty limited NFS share for retrieving content off the NAS :)

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 year ago

Gotcha that's fair. Everything I've previously had internet facing has always been behind a reverse proxy with Let's Encrypt, but it's been years since I did that. I'll look into the VPS reverse proxy option, thanks!

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 year ago

Fuck this is wonderful. Chad is well named lol.

I got passed over for a promotion a few times before and it stung. Can't imagine how Bottom felt. Glad to hear this place crumbled given the level of bullshit going on


Hi everyone, first time posting since the Reddit went nuclear on sanity. With the advent of Lemmy, I finally got around to booting my home-server back up and stood up my own instance :)

How do you all self host stuff? I've been happily running Nextcloud, Home Assistant, Plex, etc locally, but none of that has been internet facing. As I'm getting back into this I want to share stuff with my friends and family and getting them all to use a VPN seems like a stretch.

Wondering if the general consensus is that it's better to put shit on a VPS, on your own HW locally (with firewalls, safeguards, etc) or some combo of the two?

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 year ago

I wish I knew the answer but I understand how you feel. I just turned 30, changed jobs last year, am working on a master's & have a kid on the way. I wouldn't give any of those things up but damn I need a break sometimes.

I try to take me time whenever I can. Also something my therapist mentioned that resonates fairly well with what another poster said, take control of at least part of your life.

For me, even though it's tough, I find that mowing the yard, power washing, assembling something, etc helps me - since I'm choosing to do that thing on my own and not being forced to do it like dishes or work, etc. Bonus points for productivity I guess but really it's all about regaining that sliver of control and building on it. That "thing" could be playing a sport or watching an episode of TV or brushing your teeth or something but the key is that you do it because you want to, not because it's on your to do list.

I hope you figure it out and I'm with ya in spirit!

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