
joined 2 years ago
[–] ngdev 5 points 1 year ago

Bad take, straight men can enjoy a good pegging. Also empathy is not a prerequisite for homosexuality. I wager empathy has nothing to do with sexuality nor is it any indicator of sexual preference.

This is just bullshit he's spewing to justify forcibly spawning more meat for the grinder, by hook or by crook. While I don't know if he's married to a woman, I highly doubt he'd think this would apply if his wife was raped and became pregnant as a result. Carrying a rape baby to term is for proles in the eyes of people like this

[–] ngdev 1 points 1 year ago (3 children)

That means nothing imo, last book I read was years ago and I'm in a field most consider to be for sharper folks. Software dev. The book was the last in the three body problem trilogy.

In a world where the Twilight series exists, I really hate people who use the act of reading books as some intelligence measure

[–] ngdev 0 points 1 year ago

As someone who thinks the "Last Dab" sauces from Hot Ones aren't spicy enough, no. Your body adapts. I only burn my hole if I eat something that's too salty now.

[–] ngdev 5 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) (1 children)

I've got the soda stream and I drink about 5 liters a day. They have a subscription plan and you can exchange your cylinders. That's kinda pricey, still cheaper than buying packs of seltzer long term though.

I have a few cylinders still full of gas, but I already purchased this adapter thing for them to refill cylinders myself and will be buying beverage grade gas from a welding company near me. That will make it exponentially cheaper.

I don't typically use flavors, so no recommendations there. But yeah I like this thing a lot tbh

[–] ngdev 2 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

Absolutely! I grapple with that all the time. I love having fun and traveling and having cool stuff. It's fun having some money you're not afraid to spend.

You deserve it, you're the one who got yourself to where you're at. At the end of the day do what's right for you, just maybe spend a little bit less over the years and instead put it toward the end game.

As time goes on, sitting on ass collecting interest and being able to live off that interest comfortably will be awesome, and if you were able to live it up the whole time is priceless. Treat your now self and future self, but future self likely won't regret now self traveling etc. (so long as you're not doing illegal tax evasion and damaging your body long term lol)

[–] ngdev 3 points 1 year ago

Oh yeah and if you math it out over 30 years, 2% can be a difference in the hundreds of thousands

[–] ngdev 4 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) (1 children)

Yeah it's like 21.5k for 2024. They have yearly maximums on retirement accounts in the US, and that number is higher if you're past a certain age ("catch up"). IRAs are a lot less, like 7k this year

[–] ngdev 10 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) (7 children)

Congrats! Some unsolicited money advice I wish I had known earlier in my career:

If you have a mortgage and the interest rate is less than 7ish percent and you're wanting to pay it early, something to consider:

You might put whatever extra you were planning into a Roth IRA until it's maxed and also max out your 401k if your employment has that. Historical yield is 7ish% and compound interest will help you immensely 20-30 years down the line.

Paying off the house early is nice feeling but you can possibly refinance for lower rates later if it's currently similar to or higher than historical investment yields. You could also do a little bit of both but prioritizing retirement accounts is the smarter move imo. So if your mortgage rate is 5% and you want to pay that down, you're leaving 2% on the table by not putting it into either an IRA or an index fund instead.

This is assuming you're not carrying other debts at higher rates like credit cards, those should be your priority. Next would be 3 months of all bills saved up, you can find some decent interest rates on savings accounts. I have Acorns and it's at 5% so the 3 months reserves will stack interest for you too.

[–] ngdev 26 points 1 year ago (2 children)

My friend's brother just died of heroin overdose a few weeks ago and I just couldn't help but feel for him. How many dark alleys did he have to go to to get his high? How many sketchy people were involved? Did he have access to clean needles? He overdosed alone, and likely felt subhuman due to being relegated to the fringes of society just to get his high.

Legalization would not have kept him from getting high, but it certainly would have enabled him access to clean drugs from a safe place, clean needles, and possibly made him viewed as someone who enjoyed getting high and not a piece of shit addict. He had a problem and it being illegal only made it worse for him.

Legalize it all. He was an adult, it's his body. He can do what he wants with it, it's nobody's place to tell anyone what you can or cannot consume. He loved getting high on heroin and I don't see a problem with that.

[–] ngdev 9 points 1 year ago

It's still an accident. Just look up the definition. I'd wager to say most accidents are entirely preventable as well, but that's not what determines whether something was an accident

[–] ngdev 0 points 1 year ago
[–] ngdev 1 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) (1 children)

Yeah there was a whole thing about it at the time, it made news and was credible. The fix for it being of course to double check your ballot before you cast, which could easily be a miss by a first time voter or maybe an elderly one.

My comment was in reference to the fact that Ted Cruz is a moron, and that we came really close to getting him out, but I do think there were some shenanigans with voting. Just the other way.

Every accusation is an admission

Here's an article about it, a quick Google returns a ton of results

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