This is just project fear. Atlantis is not sinking.
Kerringan has this ability where the entire plot bends ass-backwards to make her come out on top. Can't beat that.
The only true way to enjoy FoNV is with a stealth suit, all the way. Totally not because I'm addicted to MedX I swear.
Speedrunning populism, let's see how that goes. Cartels electing judges is my bet.
Looks can kill!
Matter not sunlit in space really is cold (and sunlit matter is baking hot, btw). It's just there is so little matter in space (vacuum and all) that getting rid of heat via conduction is virtually impossible, meaning it's insulated. So technically space is cold, also hot, and also damn well insulated.
Water not exposed to sunlight could get as low as - 260C (close to absolute zero) by radiating away all it's heat... eventually. Meanwhile water exposed to our sun in Earth orbit would be at around boiling temps, like 100-140C. Just check the Moon surface temperature readings.
Sono Bisque Saiyan
Patlabor 2 is one of my all-time favorites, but it's not very well-known. In a way it feels too mature and slow to be a wide hit, I guess.
Somehow I find the Big Crunch more comforting than Big Rip...
Where did the matter/energy for Big Bang come from? On that note, what is outside the border of the universe?
Wizardry 8 will always be a part of my life.
Yeah, the last one is oddly popular in my country. No clue why. Must be something in the water.