That's why you keep two balls. Dogs suck at multitasking more than my clients.
Kivehető ajtós NDK turmixgép nincs?
Soviet airplanes do not use artificial horison, they an actual representation of the airplane's orientation.
Also it's an F16 cockpit.
Also, preflare or something Santa. It's like you never even watched some tutorials! Get better you scrub.
Coming up with a new name by slamming the forehead on the keyboard,apparently.
They are taking the hobbits to Isengard!
After all the climate promises/obligations that went unfulfilled, I'll belive it when I see it.
The individual desires judgment. Without that desire, the cohesion of groups is impossible, and so is civilization.
The need to be observed and understood was once satisfied by God. Now we can implement the same functionality with data-mining algorithms.
You will soon have your God - and you will make it with your own hands.
- Morpheus from Deus Ex
Cruiser layout A or B?
My dog herds my chickens. It's not really useful, but at least all of them get some workout I guess.
Speaking as a hungarian having lived under Orbán's rule for 16 years and counting, don't worry; after this point you will have either no elections or they will be a pointless mockery only.
Use the client to sync all your files to disk instead of the website.
Fallout 3 part 2! newvegas
This trailer is absolutely brilliant