Do you happen to know if there is a way to port comment history to a new account yet, please?
That is the etymology, which was actually coined by a Canadian woman.
The origins of incel are widely considered to be in 1993 in Quebec, when a young university student known only as Alana created a website to talk about her involuntary celibacy with others. It was called "Alana's Involuntary Celibacy Project." On the website, incel was described as "anybody of any gender who was lonely, had never had sex or who hadn't had a relationship in a long time."
But those roots are long gone.
(Source: CBC)
But the concept, "incel", describes someone who objectifies women, believing they have an inherent right to use their bodies sexually, with or without consent (rape). They are misogynist for that and because they don't see women as full people, nor understand that women have the same fears and dreams as men.
Your post history states that you think women have it easy/have no consequences and that misogyny isn't real, which implies you don't care to know any real women (non-fictious) on a significant level. Knowing real women means you know how often they are targeted, abused, passed over, underpaid, raped.
Knowing women's history-- their fight for the right to vote; to not be considered their husband's property; to attend school and work; and to have a damn bank account, might perhaps enlighten you to their plight, and change your tone.
Edit: punctuation
As a Canadian, have you ever met a Canada goose?
I feel you OP.
Also, telling someone they should be embarrassed because they are afraid or don't want to fight is toxic, although I guess maybe you are joking?
Most people don’t hate CEOs. They don’t care about CEOs. They have bigger issues to care about.”
Bigger issues? Like the health care bills they are drowning in? Also, I think most people loathe CEOs, these bitches have zero awareness.
I was going to bring up card catalogues and microfiche, but it is more difficult now, especially with all the AI written articles popping up a la carte as top results.
I guess it would be like the physical library having a fee^1 to enter, the librarian men and women in lingerie and banana hammocks, and all the publications unsorted: Fiction and Non-Fiction together with celebrity magazines, The National Enquirer, and nazi publications.... and lots of torn out pages.
^1 Fee replaces ads. I'd rather not picture a world where the advertising in the show Maniac exists. (Can't afford the bus? The ad-reader shows up and speaks ads at you until you have "earned" the $1.25, or whatever.)
Oof, really Matt Egan?! No one is going to murder children.
I miss punctuation.
Do you have a source or what to query, because when I plug in "Kathleen Mangione" all I get is they she reported her son missing.
In it's first three months, Canada's new Dental care plan has 75% of dentists signed up and 2.3m people.
As part of a phased rollout, the government began accepting claims for dental coverage for seniors in May and expanded eligibility to children under the age of 18 and Canadians with a valid Disability Tax Credit certificate in June.
Remaining eligible Canadians are scheduled to gain access in 2025.
I'm not sure you meant to reply to me? I was just tryin to stick up for you against Johnny No-Posts.
I never advocated Bird Violence; I am Friend to Bird and had three bestie Steller's Jays during the lockdown. They visited multiple times a day for nuts, and would wait for me on the patio.