Sums up my whole life.
True, good to know. Will this still display communities from that instance that haven't been "discovered" by members of yet?
protip, if you search for an community and it says “no results found”, the act of searching actually adds it to your instance. Just refresh the page and it’ll show up.
Oh interesting. Thanks!
It seems like I'm unable to post here. Is it because I'm from Did one instance somehow block the other in terms of posting or something?
Also, my comment somehow got teleported to the most recent post the first time I tried to comment on here. Definitely some weird things happening.
Nah, just plain cursed
Yeah, I have the same issue. I also tried to comment on it, and I tried to comment on a post from a community and neither worked. Is it possible that that instance blocks posts/comments in communities from that instance or on posts from users from that instance?
In ranked, I've mainly played a lot of Jarvan jungle, but I sometimes do Shen or Jax jungle, too, and enjoy all of them top, sometimes. I usually lean towards tanks/bruisers on SR, but I honestly mostly play ARAM, and I'm cool with playing a myriad of champs there.
I do already know how to do that, but I'm mainly wondering about being able to view an entire other instance's community list. I mean, yeah, I guess I can work around that, and that is what I've been doing, but it's just a little clunky to have to go to another instance logged out, copy the url, and then go back in through my own instance. There's really no other way?
The trailer gave me Paper Mario sort of vibes. Is that somewhat accurate based on other details people might know about the game?
I get that, and it could make sense to archive things at some point, but I do think it was nice for certain communities, aside from things like sports, news, etc., to be able to still comment on old posts. Especially help posts or things like that, because they could still be relevant months or even years later.
Grass is for the weak.