Yea you can.
I know, right?
I guess you could compare the two then, but Nix is a full on functional programming language with functions, variables etc. You can also define derivations to compile programs with it. It’s pretty cool.
am not familiar with docker-compose
damn, I don’t even have $100 right now lol
That’s not Rust though…
Ahh, the Oracle firewall, always annoys me for some reason...
Should work fine. I really recommend installing the nix package manager on your current distro to play with the language and how it works, I did it on arch to get familiar and it has been really helpful.
I should upgrade my account then. My bank allows me to generate internet credit cards with a money limit, which I can just set to 0 B)
can’t wait for a Catppuccin theme, maybe I should make one🧐
Good luck getting through spam filters
You are most definitely running Discord in XWayland. You need to add chromium flags to make it run in native Wayland. You also need to have an xdg desktop portal to support screen sharing.
If you want screenshare to work on an app that can't run in wayland, use XWaylandVideoBridge