Fuck yeah.
I've thought for years that the most attractive features in a person are Curiosity, Care and Growth (as in, learning and improving yourself).
Sounds like you've got those in spades.
Fuck yeah.
I've thought for years that the most attractive features in a person are Curiosity, Care and Growth (as in, learning and improving yourself).
Sounds like you've got those in spades.
Nah. You can't do much about how you look, beyond basic hygene and self care.
You can easily do something about being interested in other people's lives, and being happy for them being happy and commiserating with them when they're sad. The bonus with this focus is it also makes you feel better about yourself in the long run.
Think you're underestimating chan life
Is a Boeing that lands with missing parts still a plane?
Risk is probability times consequence. Focusing on the odds without considering the second half of the equation is stupid.
Scientists: invents commercial scale fusion Capitalist: hordes the almost free energy because why not? Poor people are only useful as a resource anyway.
Wait, what is the cheaper alternative to the moon landing?
Yep.. and it's also an information blackhole in the long run.
Holy crap I feel old now. Since when? I'm still driving a car without a touch screen, and that's never going to change.
Good points. Agree completely.