Debian if you want to stay with deb packages otherwise there is Fedora or OpenSUSE
I actually like this and always found it confusing in other apps when the comment I was tapping on was not collapsed. Especially if it was a really long comment that took up all the screen.
Please keep it.
Noisy? Bit odd to call it that. Also, from my perception they were always present with regularly published news about how they improve or just update/change their service.
Your "PSA" directly contradicts one of the points this dude makes in his video where he criticizes the fact that F-Droid supports multiple repos. His reasoning being it violates Android policy or some such. As if I'd care what Google wants, lol.
I don't like this video. Didn't watch to the end, but it didn't seem like he had a better alternative. He comes off as someone that had his app rejected by F-Droid. Not saying that's the case.
While F-Droid surely could improve its update speed, especially regarding security updates. The very reason that other repos are supported allows to get speedier updates.
Btw, I don't even use the official F-Droid APK, there are better alternatives, from a usability point of view. Check out Neo Store. And Obtanium sounds interesting too.
Die Tafel würde es in einer sozialen und funktionierenden Gesellschaft überhaupt nicht geben, weil sie nicht benötigt werden würde. Allein die Tatsache, dass die Tafel notwendig ist und privat finanziert ist (Spenden etc.), ist der Beweis, dass der Staat hier seiner Aufgabe nicht gerecht wird und versagt hat.
That's future talk. None of it is available for the energy problems we're facing now. And we still need to deal with all the waste from the currently running plants, that will continue to run a long time.
Nothing alike? You can look up the differences in relocated population etc yourself here:
Look, they are not the same. But the world would be better off if none of the two had happened and we ought to be very fucking sure it never happens again. And I got just the idea how to make sure of that. No, the answer is not coal plants, neither "new and safe" nuclear.
Einerseits gut, denn dann sind ältere Menschen nicht mehr so sehr überrepräsentiert als Wähler. So ist es besser ausgeglichen.
Andererseits, möchte ich wetten, dass es zu weniger Wahlbeteiligung führen wird. Zumindest aber zu früherer Politikverdrossenheit.
Abschließend bin ich gespannt, welcher Partei es gelingt die Teenies zu erreichen. Das setzt nämlich voraus, dass sie sich in die hereindenken, um sie für sich gewinnen zu können. Wetten nicht die SPD? lol
We got lucky? Dude... Sure it can always be worse. Chernobyl could have been worse too.
But actually both of them are really bad in any case. Nothing you want to see repeated, ever.
The title is wrong. That click bait title makes it sound like the studio is done and won't continue developing games.
The reality from the article: "Crystal Dyanmics made the difficult decision to part ways with nine brand/marketing and one IT employee today due to an internal restructuring to align the studio with our current business needs," it wrote. "We are working directly with the affected staff to support them."
Sucks for them, but none of the developers are currently affected.