Last I heard, early numbers were reporting a 100% fatality rate in cats. Doubtful it's still 100%, but that goes to show that it's exceptionally dangerous to our friends of the feline persuasion. I'd previously been giving my cat freeze-dried chicken hearts as an iron supplement with the added benefit of dental health...not so much these days.
nalinna edgy, modern re-staging of Into the Woods
"Last fall, the Senate Budget Committee demanded the country’s largest insurance companies provide the number of nonrenewals by county and year. The result is a map that tracks the climate crisis in a new way."
...and then? That was a year ago.
Wow, he must just be debilitated having lost $4.77B in 24 hours. Poor little guy,
Give it to your sister, it doesn't hurt, and See if she can handle every family burden
I will give that cat anything he wants.
Yep. Keep calm and punch Nazis.
Wow. I just got reverse-onioned.
Ah, yes, the ol'
"First they came for the Uber and Lyft drivers, and I did not speak out— Because I was not an Uber or Lyft driver."
Let me go find my shocked face.
Somehow I get the feeling W2s are about to be even harder to come by.
Came here to say this. Now I have to dig even deeper into my high school trauma to find something else, thanks. 🤣
Well, that's slightly more encouraging