
joined 1 year ago
[–] nBodyProblem 10 points 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago)

Full power 45-70 is extremely punishing to shoot out of a lever action rifle much less a derringer

[–] nBodyProblem 3 points 4 days ago

Not washing cars results in long term damage to the car. If you have a 200k mile shitbox with peeling clear coat, sure, you don’t need to wash it because it probably won’t matter.

If you have something nice with good paint, washing is an important maintenance item

[–] nBodyProblem -1 points 6 days ago* (last edited 6 days ago) (1 children)

Ehh if you are on a reputable tracker that has scene releases it’s generally downloading a torrent, copying a crack into the game directory or running some crack software, and play. It’s not in the least bit difficult.

Realistically most people don’t care about things like automatic updates enough to justify spending money on it.

[–] nBodyProblem 5 points 1 week ago (3 children)

Many games are trivially easy to pirate and this has been the case for decades. It’s literally as easy as downloading it from Place B.

People still buy the games.

[–] nBodyProblem 1 points 1 week ago

The Panama Canal, obviously

[–] nBodyProblem 1 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago)

I don’t think that’s the case at all. Not everything has been successful, and in many cases efforts got watered down so they could pass congress. However, Obama and Biden have pushed for some pretty serious left wing talking points. Some examples off the top of my head:

-Medical reform

-Student loan forgiveness

-Renewable energy initiatives

-Marijuana rescheduling

-Repealing Don’t Ask Don’t Tell in the military

-Immigration clemency with DACA

Compare that with Bill Clinton, whose strategy explicitly was to place himself midway between liberals and conservatives

[–] nBodyProblem 13 points 2 weeks ago (4 children)

I’d generally agree, but the problem is that this particular instance is much higher stakes than most elections.

Generally speaking, the worst case scenario would be someone like John McCain taking the reins instead of Obama. I didn’t agree with McCain about a lot of things but he was a generally honorable guy who wanted to do the best for American democracy.

Now we have a group who is polling to win and outright saying “America needs a dictatorship”. If they get their way, it could be the last election we ever have.

[–] nBodyProblem 1 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

The claims aren't colored by propaganda and misinformation

They sure are. A great example would be the videos making the rounds recently about the Israeli drones supposedly making “crying baby noises” to lure people out. This is a classic propaganda technique, the videos are literally just a black screen with some background sound, the Israeli government could kill those people far more easily without such tactics, and anyone who has spent time around drones regularly knows it’s extremely implausible at best.

It’s a blatantly obvious piece of propaganda that was widely accepted because people can’t pause for five seconds to apply a bit of critical thinking to their conclusions.

Just because they're capable of doing genocide "better" doesn't mean they aren't doing it.

It means exactly this. “Genocide” implies a certain intent and this is a very strong argument of the absence of the requisite intent.

Also, quit implying that my comments are right wing or Russian just because they have opinions that don't align with yours. That's such a tired trope. I could imply the same of you, but I'm choosing to engage in good faith.

Well maybe you shouldn’t be pushing an agenda that benefits the Russians and far-right at the expense of the Palestinian people?

Honestly, you’re either a badly intentioned troll, lacking in some basic critical thinking skill, or simply willing to see far more Palestinians die for your ideals while you sit back in safety and watch it happen.

[–] nBodyProblem 0 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago) (3 children)

The claims of genocide are colored by propaganda and misinformation. Academic researchers are split on the issue, at best. The fact of the matter is that Israel could swiftly end all life in Gaza through overwhelming military force if that was their goal, and this has not happened.

I’d agree that Israel’s actions in Gaza are unethical but there is a stark difference between acting without regard for civilian casualties and outright ethnic cleansing. The evidence doesn’t seem to support the latter.

A good president would divest and sanction Israel

A good president would prioritize what’s best for America, which means preserving the favorable relationship America has with Israel. Meanwhile, a good president would provide humanitarian aid for Palestine and help negotiate for peace.

That’s exactly what Biden is doing and refusing to vote for him harms almost every party involved, including Palestine. Really, the only groups who would benefit are the far right and Russia… makes you wonder where comments like this come from, doesn’t it?

[–] nBodyProblem 9 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago) (1 children)

Yeah that’s not an option for many people.

Not everyone’s parents are reliable, still alive, willing to watch the kids, and conveniently nearby. You kinda need all four.

[–] nBodyProblem 2 points 2 weeks ago

Yeahh. I got really excited for about 30s

[–] nBodyProblem 1 points 2 weeks ago

Sorry, we are talking about guns here. With guns, as with many other topics, America is #1. So your opinion is irrelevant

ass clown rule (lemmy.world)
submitted 11 months ago by nBodyProblem to c/cars
Fudd Rule (lemmy.world)

Car communities are always filled with people wanting to know what they need to do to get started with car activities like autocross, track days, or meets. To kick off useful/informative discussion over at /c/[email protected], I decided to write a series of “getting started” guides. I hope they might encourage some people to stop thinking about it, go out, and do fun stuff.

I feel like they might have some interest to the wider car community, so I’ll repost them here with some modifications to generalize anything that is 86/BRZ/FRS specific.


What you need:

Autocross is often confused with track days, which is really far from the truth. Autocross is really no harder on a car than any number of normal on-street activities for a sports car. The runs are only ~40 seconds long with tons of cool down time between runs.

However, you do need a car in good working order that will pass tech. This means no bad wheel bearings, suspension that isn’t falling apart, and a properly secured battery. You are also responsible for ensuring you don’t have any major coolant or oil leaks. Nobody likes it when someone oils down the course and runs have to stop to do cleanup.

You also need a helmet if your region doesn’t have loaners. Most do, but it’s a good idea to ask if in doubt.

Nice to haves:

You probably want to bring a tire gauge for adjusting pressures.

Summer tires are good to have because all seasons are prone to chunking when driven hard. You don’t need to buy special autocross tires when just starting out, but if you are on all seasons keep an eye on the heat between runs and be carefully not to overdrive the car.

Bring lots of water, sunscreen, closed toe shoes, and maybe a wide brimmed hat. You will be out working at most events and will get a lot of sun.

A helmet sock is nice to have if you are using a loaner helmet.

Additional prep info:

I’d like to discuss the issue of classing. Basically, don’t mod your car to prep for autocross if you aren’t experienced at the sport. The things that knock you into a higher class can be unintuitive and if you don’t mod with a class in mind it will quickly become impossible to be competitive without huge money outlays.

For example, any aero mod in SCCA classing will knock you into either prepared or xtreme street at minimum. Prepared allows full on racing slicks and stripped out interiors; it is VERY expensive to compete in. Xtreme Street allows unlimited powertrain modifications; in many regions the winners have widebody cars with 3x the stock power levels and it takes a ton of prep to win in that arms race.

It’s usually best to just show up in a stock car for awhile and build for a specific class once you have experience.

submitted 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago) by nBodyProblem to c/ft86

86 communities are always filled with people asking about prep for autocross, track or car meets. To start us off with some useful info, I am going to write some “getting started” guides for newcomers to the platform.

To be clear, the intention is not to give an exhaustive list of useful mods. It is just to help people get out and do activities. We will start with autocross


What you need:

Autocross is often confused with track days, which is really far from the truth. Autocross is really no harder on a car than any number of normal on-street activities for a sports car. The runs are only ~40 seconds long with tons of cool down time between runs.

However, you do need a car in good working order that will pass tech. This means no bad wheel bearings, suspension that isn’t falling apart, and a properly secured battery. You are also responsible for ensuring you don’t have any major coolant or oil leaks. Nobody likes it when someone oils down the course and runs have to stop to do cleanup.

You also need a helmet if your region doesn’t have loaners. Most do, but it’s a good idea to ask if in doubt.

Nice to haves:

You probably want to bring a tire gauge for adjusting pressures.

Summer tires are good to have because all seasons are prone to chunking when driven hard. You don’t need to buy special autocross tires when just starting out, but if you are on all seasons keep an eye on the heat between runs and be carefully not to overdrive the car.

Bring lots of water, sunscreen, closed toe shoes, and maybe a wide brimmed hat. You will be out working at most events and will get a lot of sun.

A helmet sock is nice to have if you are using a loaner helmet.

Additional prep info:

I’d like to discuss the issue of classing. Basically, don’t mod your car to prep for autocross if you aren’t experienced at the sport. The things that knock you into a higher class can be unintuitive and if you don’t mod with a class in mind it will quickly become impossible to be competitive without huge money outlays.

For example, any aero mod in SCCA classing will knock you into either prepared or xtreme street at minimum. Prepared allows full on racing slicks and stripped out interiors; it is VERY expensive to compete in. Xtreme Street allows unlimited powertrain modifications; in many regions the winners have widebody cars with 3x the stock power levels and it takes a ton of prep to win in that arms race.

It’s usually best to just show up in a stock car for awhile and build for a specific class once you have experience.

Who needs AWD? (lemmy.world)
submitted 11 months ago by nBodyProblem to c/ft86

First post

This car has been my daily through a number of snow storms. Handles them like an absolute champ.

Real American (youtu.be)
submitted 1 year ago by nBodyProblem to c/merica
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