Is this like dihydrogen monoxide addition?
broader economic concerns
Quite the understatement.
Seconding fetchmail. It's configuration is quite elaborate for a whole bunch of situations. I've used it in a small office situation to pull email from their legacy ISP's POP into an internal IMAP server, so they could have multiple clients sharing mailboxes. (And so they couldn't set weak passwords on an internet-connected system :-/ )
Are you posting in /b/ ? The moderators of /b/ are also freed from many of the usual rules, and they have often removed posts or issued bans for any and no reason at all.
We had killfiles back then. And clients that sorted/threaded conversations the way we wanted. And upstream operators that could often physically visit the offenders to tell them to knock if off. Those were the days ...
The URL about:mozilla
was always full of fun :)
I was about to say -- you probably don't want to connect the wifi antenna plugs of two cards into each other -- that'd probably overdrive each other's receiver and damage the cards or cause other issues, unless you had an attenuator in there somewhere. But it looks like you're just using the antenna loop from the laptop into the esp32 ...
There is an ongoing attempt to create an equivalence of Trans Persons (and anyone exposing youth to LGBTQ+ ideas in any form, including loving families) to pedophiles through CONSTANT repetition, despite any lack of widespread evidence. There is also a simultaneous attempt to strongly advocate for death penalty for pedophiles. I'm sure you can see where this is heading ......
Busy with day to day affairs, gotta pay rent/mortgage/medical bills, gotta feed the family, gotta keep working, can't take risks, ...
It would be amusing if the surviving family did not support this underhanded move, and spoke out about it.
It would be the point of no return for the USA, and the conclusive end to the "Pax Americana" . Invading a peaceful neighbor? Unthinkable for a "so-called" stable country. The rest of the world rally to Canada's side, there would be an effort to 'contain' the further damage we could do. (Mexico would finally pay for that wall :-/ ) We would no longer be trusted, and in that vacuum of power the rest of the countries of the world would be thrown into such a frenzy to fill that power, or to align with who they think could.
I have a bunch of ESP32's that ... I can update and replace the firmware on, if i reset it the right way with a usb cable. the web site doesn't explain it any way how this is any worse than that...?