Things are different now as the educational system is being intentionally damaged, but every single child who grew up in America between the ages of 10 and 80 was raised in an educational environment that taught them in no uncertain terms ALL of the warning signs of fascism and manipulation - these haven't changed in hundreds of years. They are either willfully ignoring them or spent their years in school eating paint instead of internalizing anything.
It's totally reasonable to recognize they're victims. It's also reasonable to recognize that in most cases, they made themselves that way.
Unfortunately, we're at a point where any attempt to fix media directly will be met with push-back by those very same people - we see this happening RIGHT now. They are weaponized and can be turned on any outlet that DARES try to speak the truth.
These people are now an army and bad actors will NOT willfully give them up. You have to assume the worst... that any attempt to fix the system will necessarily involve confrontation with them, and more we can reduce their numbers or limit their reach the easier that will become.
Treating them lightly with kid gloves will only encourage more people to join their ideologies, and it's not a matter of hovering around 50%, there's a tipping point. The moment there are visibly more people on the side of lies and fascism, a huge chunk of people who simply want to fit in or be on the winning side will simply change sides. Fascism and populism are diseases, and like any disease, it's tragic that they're sick, but you first and foremost have to contain it and stop it from spreading. THEN you can start worrying about their well-being once they are no longer a threat.