As it stands im the only one who has provided any peer reviewed papers to back my point. Said study alsi happens to be a meta review so it reviews all the other papers and assesses them.
If all ur doing about ur issues is whining then u probably are going to continue to suffer. My whole point is stop whining go do somthing.
I dont respect anyone who hasnt earned it. Murdering and looting worked for the french.
So you will continue to complain while doing nothing?
Ur talking about it so it was effective at something.
I never said they didnt deserve rights i think all people deserve equall rights. I simply think if u have an issue go do somthing more than blame everyone else for ur problems.
So how do i test if they gonna fuck me?
And please tell me they arnt going to fuck me simply for running graphene os.
How was this banned for rule 1 and the comment i was replying to not. I called the guy a lier cos he said he didnt want an argumwnt while callibg me a small minded bad person. Can someone please explain how this not unequal application of rules.